View Full Version : Serving your country and SERVING your country?

06-23-11, 12:18 AM
Iv been dealing with this problem for a while through out the process in my head of choosing the job that I desire in the Marine Corps. Now I want to start form the beginning. I came to the decision to join the Marines my freshman year in high school, that was coming up on three years ago. Now I have recently DEP'ed in the last week of May. The reason that I enlisted in was because I have always wanted to serve my country(plus I am sick of sitting in a classroom for 7 hours out of the day), I thought to myself if I am going to take this road I want to take it in the best way possible and that is the Marines. Now my main point illustrated by my topic is that in my opinion there is a fine line between serving your country and actually SERVING your country. Now I strongly emphasize this is MY opinion and I don't want to start a big argument over it, just want to see other peoples view on it. Since the second that I walked out of MEPS that Monday evening I have been thinking about the job that I want to do, my mind has wondered from infantry, tanker, recon, intell, and now I have come to my conclusion with a air crew contract because I love to fly, plus I absolutely love working on things mechanically plus I want a job skill that will carry over into the civilian transfer if I decide to leave that will have really good pay cause i'v always wanted a good house on the beach haha. So in conclusion my strong belief is that the people who are actually doing most of the "serving" are the grunts. I have mad respect for them also I do understand that every role in the Corps is a must and is needed for them to function as a strong unit. But if I end up with helicopter mech I would have a issue with some one coming up to me and saying "thank you for your service" even though a bullet or bomb never passed over me.

For thoughts on responses has anyone ever felt this was or had these kind of thoughts on choosing jobs?


06-23-11, 04:40 AM
Even if a "bullet or a bomb" never passes you with the job you end up choosing for the Marine Corps, or any other branch of service for that matter, still has a huge role in ensuring that we keep our freedom.

06-23-11, 11:29 AM
I hear what you're saying, but I agree with Alexander here; I feel all Marines have served their country regardless of MOS or whether they have been in combat or not.

06-23-11, 01:10 PM
Yeah, very true thank you for your guys thoughts. I just had to get this off my chest it was messing with the ability to make a wise choice for my MOS.

Here's another thing to take into account maybe a valid topic for discussion. Okay so my contract is AG and that's crew chief now before I came to that conclusion I had always wanted to be infantry, Now this is something i'm worried about so obviously a lot of things that happen in boot camp resemble combat environments in some way with the weapons and gear and exercises. And after boot camp and the 10 day leave there's MCT and that is basically combat training for "POGS" what if some point along these steps I say to myself hey I like all this combat stuff and hauling around a 70lb pack all day haha and I wish I had rather done infantry... On the other hand if I hate and and am glad I chose the MOS I did. I'm just trying to make the right decision for my current life and possible future.

06-23-11, 01:38 PM
You raised your right hand and swore an oath to protect and defend this country and it's constitution after we have been at war for 10 years already. That is plenty enough, don't buy into that inferiority complex that if you're not shooting people that you're not serving your country.

If you are qualified to be a crew chief, go for it. It's program code AG, and it's the ONLY contract that guarantees the job. They don't homegrow anymore from flightline mechs. Are you a good swimmer? And you've got perfect color vision? That's basically all you need.

06-23-11, 01:54 PM
I had the EXACT same problem as you, and was actually at one point caught between air crew and infantry.

I can tell you this: It all comes down to what YOU want, although air crew might give you a much more fun experience in the Corps, infantry might give you more of a sense of fulfillment during and after the fact.

Its all up to your priorities I guess.

As for me, my problem was solved when they took my air crew contract away, so I didn't actually have to deal with this dilemma lol.

In any case, good luck, and feel confident that whatever choice you make is the right one for you.

06-23-11, 02:02 PM
Yeah it does come all down to what I want, and what will serve me best as my time in and out.

But why did they take away your Air Crew contract?
Were you DEP'd in late or something and someone with priority wanted the contract?

06-23-11, 02:05 PM
You raised your right hand and swore an oath to protect and defend this country and it's constitution after we have been at war for 10 years already. That is plenty enough, don't buy into that inferiority complex that if you're not shooting people that you're not serving your country.

If you are qualified to be a crew chief, go for it. It's program code AG, and it's the ONLY contract that guarantees the job. They don't homegrow anymore from flightline mechs. Are you a good swimmer? And you've got perfect color vision? That's basically all you need.

Yeah I guess I sorta bought into that complex haha, but I just needed a little backing from you guys to tell me other wise.

And as for the Air Crew thing yeah I have normal color vision 20/20 non-corrected and my MM score is 111 and that job just seems so sweet haha.

06-23-11, 02:45 PM
Just think real hard before you leave for boot camp and if you need to talk to your recruiter for his opinion

06-23-11, 02:52 PM
My .2cents about the statement when you said a bullet has never passed you by and you would feel like someone saying thank you for your service is wrong. Well you are supporting the infantry/tanker/aircrew people by being a mechanic and helping keep their equipment functioning at 100%. When their equipment in at 100% then they (in my mind) have a lesser risk of dying because a equipment malfunctions because YOU helped with the upkeep. So in part you are serving your country but not in the sense of being on the front lines and all that "stuff". Again just my .2cents.

06-23-11, 03:03 PM
Kuzmics, that's a really good example and I never thought about it that way, It must be all the propaganda from the grunts about if your not infantry you suck and the corps doesn't want you. But that's their view and they are entitled to it. Personally all the 03's that I have run into hate and love their job and my personal opinion is that all they are doing is displacing their anger from the "suck" onto the POG's and future POG's

06-23-11, 03:48 PM
As aircrew you might be landing in a hot LZ slaying bodies with a 240 to drop off Marines, medevac them, get them supplies, etc. You're certainly relevant to combat operations.

Don't worry about what grunts think of you, do your job to the best of your ability. A lot of the discontent with POGs is that they live better, even if they go out with the infantry and get shot at.

06-23-11, 04:14 PM
You raised your right hand and swore an oath to protect and defend this country and it's constitution after we have been at war for 10 years already. That is plenty enough, don't buy into that inferiority complex that if you're not shooting people that you're not serving your country.

If you are qualified to be a crew chief, go for it. It's program code AG, and it's the ONLY contract that guarantees the job. They don't homegrow anymore from flightline mechs. Are you a good swimmer? And you've got perfect color vision? That's basically all you need.

Spoken perfectly, that simple act alone puts you in a 1% category. That is the percentage of americans that pick up the phone when the call is made.

06-23-11, 04:49 PM
Spoken perfectly, that simple act alone puts you in a 1% category. That is the percentage of americans that pick up the phone when the call is made.

Lovin' it guys thank you for the support, now I dont feel as negitive toward my choice :thumbup:

06-24-11, 01:38 AM
For some reason I wasn't able to edit my post and my phone posted it before I was even finished. Also, make sure that the job that you want is actually on your contract before you ship to boot camp or else you'll be stuck with that MOS until you're able to lat move to another field. (Which I'm not sure exactly how/when you're even able to do that) Don't rush into picking your job but i suggest that you try to get the job you end up wanting sometime after in October because that's when the jobs free up for the next year. I hope you figure out what exactly it is that you want and keep us updated whenever possible.

06-24-11, 03:45 PM
Yeah that's a big thing. My recruiter is really legit and upfront with me he gives me constant updates and stuff that will help me out while in the DEP. I don't think he will F me over but I am still going to pay attention to every detail in my contract, and thanks for the tip :)

06-24-11, 03:48 PM
As aircrew you might be landing in a hot LZ slaying bodies with a 240 to drop off Marines, medevac them, get them supplies, etc. You're certainly relevant to combat operations.

Don't worry about what grunts think of you, do your job to the best of your ability. A lot of the discontent with POGs is that they live better, even if they go out with the infantry and get shot at.

Yeah totally possible, and true. Its just all the hate and **** form the Grunts to the POG's that can really put you down haha but W/E i'm out for my personal benefit and I could care less of what they think of me

06-24-11, 04:09 PM
Yeah it does come all down to what I want, and what will serve me best as my time in and out.

But why did they take away your Air Crew contract?
Were you DEP'd in late or something and someone with priority wanted the contract?

Nah I DEP'd in November, and was assigned the AG contract mistakenly, because my vision is only correctable to 30/30. They only caught it because our new RSS SNCOIC was looking through all of the poolees files and found it. I guess its better than me finding out about it in boot.

06-24-11, 04:34 PM
Oh okay, Did you really want to have the AG? and yeah it was better that you found out when you did because that would of really messed up your program heh.

06-25-11, 12:31 AM
Yeah dude I was mentally preparing for a crew chief position for 6 months, and I was so psyched only to realize that it's practically the only job I cant have (other than motor T, but that was cause i failed my depth perception like a dumbass lmao)

I was ****ed for a couple days, but the way i see it now is that its a new set of opportunities, yknow?

06-25-11, 02:58 PM
Yeah id be kind of ****ed haha, but as long as you look at it in a positive way your good to go.

06-25-11, 10:13 PM
You know what they say about opinions, but I'll opine anyway.

In order for infantry to have any purpose they need:

1) Supply guys sending them ammunition
2) Mech guys keeping their equipment operational
3) Intel guys telling them where to find the enemy
4) Admin guys supplying orders to go get the enemy

Infantry relies on support MOS's, and support MOS's are useless without infantry.

Look at it this way. The 2010 Census estimated the U.S. population to be ~330 million. The current active Marine force is 202,000. That means that 99.9498% of the people living (legally) in this country are either unable or unwilling to make the same commitment you will.

06-26-11, 12:12 AM
You know what they say about opinions, but I'll opine anyway.

In order for infantry to have any purpose they need:

1) Supply guys sending them ammunition
2) Mech guys keeping their equipment operational
3) Intel guys telling them where to find the enemy
4) Admin guys supplying orders to go get the enemy

Infantry relies on support MOS's, and support MOS's are useless without infantry.

Look at it this way. The 2010 Census estimated the U.S. population to be ~330 million. The current active Marine force is 202,000. That means that 99.9498% of the people living (legally) in this country are either unable or unwilling to make the same commitment you will.

Iv never thought of it that way. I'm just a kid who grew up in the mountains wanting to give back. Hopefully that 99.9498 percent will one day under stand the small amount of Marines and future Marines that give up family friends and home to protect the people who probably don't even give a **** about us.

Thank you for the Insight Brother.

06-26-11, 12:26 AM
In my state there are only 500 poolees total, that's out of 6 million people or so. Now you have to remember a LOT of people frankly aren't qualified for military service whether it be obscure medical issues or moral issues like police involvement and or drugs. Many are too old, or too young. That being said, only about 5% of the US Armed Forces is infantry.

06-26-11, 12:59 AM
Yeah its important to take that factor into account, not trying to dog on those who are not qualified.

Personally I really appreciate all the support and broader views on the Marines and other branches, because I have a friends Marine who is an 0311 and his whole goal was to get me to go infantry and in his own words if you don't go infantry your just a POG ass ***** its hard for me to say hes my friend sometimes because a true friend would support your choice but its just alot of **** from other Marines and people.

06-26-11, 08:23 AM
Yeah its important to take that factor into account, not trying to dog on those who are not qualified.

Personally I really appreciate all the support and broader views on the Marines and other branches, because I have a friends Marine who is an 0311 and his whole goal was to get me to go infantry and in his own words if you don't go infantry your just a POG ass ***** its hard for me to say hes my friend sometimes because a true friend would support your choice but its just alot of **** from other Marines and people.

Hey man, i went through a similar dilemma but when I DEPed in there weren't any infantry jobs and my eyesight is terrible although correctable to 20/20. So I settled for Aircraft Mechanic. But for a while after joining the Marines I felt a little useless for just being a mechanic. Eventually I realized that, regardless of you MOS your still part of the military. Once your in the military, your serving your country.

Don't let your friend make you feel bad about your decision. Just remember that marines are riflemen first. No other service can claim that. All Marines Have the basic skills to fight in a war and personally defend the country if the need arises.

06-26-11, 01:39 PM
Why does everyone feel bad or mad for not getting Infantry? I dont get it can someone please explain this to me?

Is everyone looking to go get shot at? This isnt like in the movies there isnt a glorious ending after you step on an IED or you get shot even if it isnt a kill shot it is still a long road to recovery.

I mean I am going to be an 02 hopefully and if I have to go get some then so be it I'll be ready but I dont feel any less of a Marine or like i am giving less to my country because i have an 02 instead of an 03.

06-26-11, 02:09 PM
Its not that I dident get 03 I could of picked any job I wanted to, I chose Air Crew And Its not that I want to get shot at, and I most defiantly know this is no ****ing Heart Break Ridge its the real deal you just have to read my post a little more clearly to understand what I was conveying.

06-26-11, 06:03 PM
Its not that I dident get 03 I could of picked any job I wanted to, I chose Air Crew And Its not that I want to get shot at, and I most defiantly know this is no ****ing Heart Break Ridge its the real deal you just have to read my post a little more clearly to understand what I was conveying.

I was also referring to the poster above the one i posted, he said he settled for Air Crew or something. If it was one of your choices how is it settling?

06-26-11, 06:30 PM
I was also referring to the poster above the one i posted, he said he settled for Air Crew or something. If it was one of your choices how is it settling?

Sorry, let me rephrase: Infantry wasn't available and I originally wanted aircrew. But because of my eyesight I couldn't get it. So I settled for Aircraft Maintenance. However later on I was having second thoughts and I was wondering about switching to Infantry.

Sorry about the confusion.

But to answer your original question, I personally think its propaganda... A good chunk of the population, including prospective Marine Corps applicants don't even know the Marines even have any jobs besides infantry. Most of the commercials are some variant on the idea of being transformed from civilian to warrior. I think most people can agree that "warriors" (in the traditional sense of the word) don't sit behind a desk, fix airplanes, cook, etc. Warriors fight and kill and are in the think of battle. Warriors gain glory through impressive feats of cunning and ingenuity on the battlefield. This is the image that the Marines give and that's what most people want, for one reason or the other. I personally (at the time) felt that infantry would be more of a challenge. And I definitely signed up looking for a challenge. Hope that helps you to understand the mindset a little.

06-26-11, 06:41 PM
Well in my mindset im going to be a F'n Marine a piece of the world fiercest fighting force. As the saying goes about the Marines No greater friend no worse an enemy. Sure you arent going to ITB when you graduate from boot camp but you are going to be a friggin Marine.

I was one of those who didnt initially want to even join the Corps. But now I eat sleep drink the Corps. I am always on here reading up on stuff i need to know or be careful of or check for myself. I check out Videos on the Corps I am looking to get deployed and get me some now Ill be hopefully an Intel Marine but Im a Marine the smalles branch of the military next to the Coast Guard (which the Coast Guard is the smallest) but i most certainly will be one of the few and very proud.

not to be up on a soap box but Im proud to even get the chance to get to step into those yellow footprints. How many people over in the Ask a Marine section will never get the chance that we have to go and try and earn our title?

Your job is definately a vital one sure you may not be shooting anyone in the face but your job is to assist those whose job it is, also there is probably a chance that you will get your chance to get some if you so choose.

06-26-11, 07:06 PM
Well said man. I totally agree. I was just explaining how I used to think and how many people probably think. But now I'm just glad I can be a Marine and I'm looking forward to my job.

06-26-11, 07:41 PM
Well put both of you guys

07-02-11, 08:59 AM
Rah bro... That's what's up. KILL