View Full Version : EOD question

06-19-11, 06:53 PM
Does anyone know the minimum gt score required for EOD and if it's not high enough do they make exceptions for lat moves?

06-19-11, 06:55 PM
profiles aint everything but they sure do come close, per rules

06-19-11, 06:59 PM
Yes you need to fill in your profile please, site rules. As per your question

Type of MOS (http://usmilitary.about.com/od/enlistedjo2/a/mosdef.htm) : PMOS
Rank (http://usmilitary.about.com/od/theorderlyroom/l/blenlrank.htm) Range: MGySgt to Sgt
Job Description: EOD technicians perform various duties that include locating, accessing, identifying, rendering safe, neutralizing, and disposing of hazards from foreign and domestic, conventional, chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high yield explosives (CBRNE) unexploded explosive ordnance (UXO), improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and weapons of mass destruction (WMD that present a threat to operations, installations, personnel, or materiel.)
Job Requirements:
(1) Must possess a GT score (http://usmilitary.about.com/od/enlistedjo2/a/asvab.htm) of 110 or higher.
(2) Must meet all requirements for assignment to a critical position within the Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program; refer to SECNAVINST 5510.35.
(3) Must be fully screened per MCO 3571.2, using the current revision of the HQMC-approved EOD screening Checklist.
(4) Must have a first class Physical Fitness Test (PFT) (accomplished during EOD screening process).
(5) Be a volunteer in the grade of sergeant or corporal in any MOS. Sergeants must not be selected for Staff Sergeant in their current MOS.
(6) Must have normal color vision and no claustrophobic tendencies. (Bomb suit agility test will be administered during the EOD screening.)
(7) Must be a U.S. citizen.
(8) Must be qualified for an Explosive Driver's License as well as Emergency Vehicle Operator's License.
(9) Must be a graduate of the EOD Basic Course (CIN N56GPX).
(10) Must have a final secret security clearance (http://usmilitary.about.com/cs/generalinfo/a/security.htm) based on a Single Scope Background Investigation (http://usmilitary.about.com/cs/generalinfo/a/security.htm) (SSBI)
(11) Must be qualified to handle Arms, Ammunition and Explosives (AA and E)
(12) In the performance of their duties, must be physically qualified for an Explosive Driver's License as well as Emergency Vehicles Operators License, as per NAVSEA SWO 20-AF-ABK-010.
(13) The following core competencies must be sustained:

(a) Advanced electronics.
(b) Advanced EOD Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP)
(c) Specialized Demolition.
(d) Post Blast Investigation.
(e) Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).
(f) Improvised Explosive Devices (IED)
(g) Robotics.
(h) UXO clearance.

06-19-11, 07:09 PM
Ok thank you. He meets everything except his score is 106 so I guess that would disqualify him? The other thing is after he got out of active he switched over to this reserve unit so he could deploy with them. In doing that he extended his contract and is currently deployed. Is he eligible to re-enlist over there? since he's technically a reservist right now that is activated?

06-19-11, 07:10 PM
Profile mentioned twice, not acted upon yet, though. Odd.

06-19-11, 07:12 PM
Send him to his admin
They can advise on scores -if he can still apply with 106

They can certainly extend his enlistment

06-19-11, 07:12 PM
I dont understand PJones I appologize

06-19-11, 07:14 PM
gehri-I will thank you! He had asked the "go between" that is with them for the career planner and got told that the career planner was in the states and that he'd have to get back to him! :(

06-20-11, 03:10 AM
you have to have a 110, no exceptions or waivers...

06-20-11, 05:43 AM
:evilgrin: Or He can Volunteer too Strap a MK-54 SADM onto His Azz and make a HALO Jump into Mecca on RAMADAH With ME and Be Demo Qualified,With all Due Respect!!! S/F Dat :beer::iwo:

06-20-11, 09:54 AM
Its not that big of a deal to retake the ASVAB for a lat-move. I did it and scored like 15 points higher than I did when I originally took it. There are study guides for ASVABs you can find at most libraies.

02-07-12, 07:07 PM
I had a 109 GT Score. EOD wouldn't screen me till I took it again. Eventually it all worked out. :D

<a href='http://militarysignatures.com'> <img src='http://militarysignatures.com/signatures/member15172.png' border='0' alt='militarysignatures.com'/></a>

02-14-12, 07:48 PM
huntley2336 im looking into moving over to EOD any thoughts or advice for someone looking to get into it??

02-14-12, 09:57 PM
The best thing I can think of to do is have a favorable impression on the Techs that will be screening you for a week. You can meet all the requirements, but if they don't like your personality they won't take you.

02-15-12, 07:47 AM
Good to go. I'm hoping it works out, I've been thinking about this for awhile. What are deployments like?

02-15-12, 09:20 AM
I've only been a Tech since October so I really can't say from personal experience. But from what I can guess is the deployments are not going to be as long and as frequent as they used to be. We got about 700 Techs in right now and since the war is winding down I think they are trying to push alot of us into the reserves. I know there's definitely not as many students at the school house now then when I was going through.

02-16-12, 05:55 PM
I was looking at it, it's says there is still 65 bout spaces for the fiscal year

02-16-12, 06:47 PM
They'll fill up fast. That's the reason I'm now a reservist and no longer active duty. lol