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View Full Version : 4 months of Sobriety

05-16-11, 11:34 PM
Today marks exactly 4 months to the day that I stopped drinking. I have been sober or 4 months so far and every day has been a severe struggle for me. I've also overcome some severe medical issues in the last few weeks that were caused by my years of drinking heavily. I'm talking heavy liquor, especially Vodka.

My liver is pretty much damaged for life now. But that's one of the consequences of drinking as much as I have done. I lived with my girlfriend Lexi for 2 years before we got married. We have been married since November 2010 and we are still having some issues from my drinking. It caused me to be an extremely angry guy. I have been drinking since I was 17 (I'm now 25), and I spent a very significant amount of my time in the Corps drunk off my @ss. AA has helped me a lot too, even though I was really reluctant to go.

I had to go into rehab 4 months ago to dry out basically, and its helped. But every day since has been a struggle. I still sometimes feel like I need booze. I am just hoping I can stay sober for another 4 months and even longer.


05-16-11, 11:37 PM
Exactly why I never started drinking in the first place.

Glad you're doing better.

05-16-11, 11:44 PM
Cpl. I'm proud of you. As I told you via PM's it was in both sides of my family.

Keep doing what works for you and stay the f away from people of bad influence.

05-16-11, 11:51 PM
Cpl. I'm proud of you. As I told you via PM's it was in both sides of my family.

Keep doing what works for you and stay the f away from people of bad influence.

Yeah, I still have trouble if I drive by a bar or liquor store or something. Its hard to even look at the building sometimes.

05-17-11, 12:42 AM
Very proud of you. Drinking is a VERY hard thing to overcome. I have a very good friend who has struggled the better part of his life with it. Should have been dead twice now he says. Just don't quit. You are 1/3 the way to the big mark and WE know you can do it. STAY WITH THE MEETINGS!!! Even after the year mark. Stay with it.

05-17-11, 01:14 AM
It's a hard thing to overcome. I drank off and on for years and remember specifically two times it was very important to me. I can drink now and skip it like it never happened so my friend told me I'm not a true alcoholic because I was ok with letting it go. But...I do smoke and I'll break the dang fingers of anyone who takes my "stress" cig away from me. So I can imagine your frustration. Just keep on keepin' on.

Rocky C
05-17-11, 06:11 AM
Congrats Brother.
You can do it.
We are All here for You.

Semper Fi,

05-17-11, 06:48 AM
Very proud of you Derek... its very hard to admit one has a problem so taking that first step sets you far apart from the people that never acknowledge their problem.
It will be a long hard road, but keeping to meetings and having good people around you for support and you will be fine...

One day at a time ..

God Bless Derek....

05-17-11, 09:29 AM
Derek, I fought booze for 38 years. Three years and four months ago I gave it up. It was hard. But its been well worth it.

05-17-11, 10:38 AM
Keep up the positive action.
I was fortunate to learn early booze is a bad trip if used excessively

Stay strong and sober


05-17-11, 10:39 AM
Derek, I fought booze for 38 years. Three years and four months ago I gave it up. It was hard. But its been well worth it.

Yeah, well it was spending the night in the drunk tank 4 months ago that pretty much convinced me I needed to quit drinking. Now if I could just get my anger problems under control, I'd be squared away.

Zulu 36
05-17-11, 10:50 AM
Good work! Keep it up. It's been almost 19-years since I quit now. Zero regrets and never feel a need for a drink.

You'll start feeling better and better about yourself and some of those anger issues will go away with the boost in the self-esteem department from the success over booze.

05-17-11, 10:51 AM
Yeah, well it was spending the night in the drunk tank 4 months ago that pretty much convinced me I needed to quit drinking. Now if I could just get my anger problems under control, I'd be squared away.

Good luck and congratulations on four months!

05-17-11, 03:55 PM
Great Job Brother! 4 months alcohol free is in itself a milestone! I, like many others fought that demon for years. I drank alot when I was in but it got waaaay worse after I got out. AA helped a bit, sitting in a cell helped a bit too, but the 2 things that helped the most was 1st learning to lean on God and my faith in Him and 2nd tapping into the same determination and strength that got me through boot camp and 4 yrs. of Marine Corps infantry to never give up and do the best job I could do every day for my family. I realized somewhere along the struggle that I'm not as important as I thought I was but my wife and child(ren) were. I do it for them as much if not more than myself. It gets easier over time and one day it won't even seem like a struggle at all ( that's how it is now for me.)

You're doing great and whenever you feel like you're about to fall, pick up a phone and call your AA sponsor (if u got one) or get online here and lean on us!

Semper Fi...:flag:

05-17-11, 04:44 PM
:usmc: One day at a time,Cpl.of Marines,yesterday is History,F**K-2Morrow,all that matters is the Here and now!!! GodLuck and Walk Tall Marine S/F :thumbup::iwo:

05-17-11, 05:01 PM
Good luck, Cpl.

05-17-11, 08:55 PM
Thanks everyone.

05-17-11, 09:02 PM
Good luck to you Cpl. From personal experience, I know how tough it is :thumbup:


05-17-11, 09:23 PM
I too have used John Barleycorn to help me through the bad times It will be 16 Yrs June 18. Take it one day at a time go to meetings and call your Sponsor and read your book. I know how hard it was for me to use and to stop I just got into posotive things you would not believe the good things that come to us when we are clear headed and learn the art of giving more than recieving which causes self centeredness This too shall pass

Semper Fi Bill G

05-19-11, 08:31 PM
Yeah I'm trying to follow the 12 steps as best I can. I am doing things as best I can and taking it one day at a time. It just been a long and difficult path so far. One day at a time is all I can do.

05-20-11, 12:41 AM
CPLBurkeD, that is something you and your loved ones need to be proud of.

Congrats and good job.

05-20-11, 07:21 AM
Congrats Cpl, heres to you.

05-20-11, 07:57 AM
Congrats brother keep it up, I also know the struggles you go though being sober since 1989, keep it up, find your support group and best of luck, Semper Fi

05-20-11, 11:39 PM
Good Job on four months, brother...thats a LOT of time. If you need to talk shoot me a PM and Ill be happy to reply. I get all my mail on my phone so I will get it right away and answer as soon as possible. If you get that urge call someone BEFORE you pick up...let people be there for you like we are all here for you right now. Semper Fi and good luck. If you have to, take it not only one day at a time but one HOUR at a time.
Peace, Love, and Light to you and your family

05-21-11, 12:19 AM
Good Luck with the battle over alcoholism<label for="rb_iconid_14">http://www.leatherneck.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif</label>
My liver is pretty much damaged for life now. But that's one of the consequences of drinking as much as I have done.After so many years... all the cells that made up the soft tissue that once was your liver, have died off and been replaced. You receive a refurbished organ, if it's fed properly. One way to expedite the process is by using a juicer with plenty of greens

05-21-11, 07:01 AM
That first step is tough Cpl. I Think that one of the things that should be stressed is, Forget yesterday, that's gone. Live today, and look forward to tomorrow. We're all behind you. S/F!! Ken

05-21-11, 07:43 AM
:usmc: :thumbup: :usmc:

05-21-11, 09:48 AM
congrats on the first 4...i quit the boozin back in the mid 80s one reason was because when i got drunk my anger came out....and most times landed me in trubble...the other reason is that i am not a slave...not to tobacco or booze...i will not let them controle me or rule over my life...besides my wife does that and will not put up with any comptition

06-19-11, 12:17 PM
So did we make month 5?? Sure hope so. We're rooting for you!!

06-19-11, 12:31 PM
good question WW...hope he is hanging in there...have lost quite a few friends to the booze...car wrecks,destoyin thier liver..and a cupple to snuffing themselve out...

06-19-11, 12:50 PM
Congrats, stick to it. I quit drinking in 1989, it got me into serious trouble to many time. Stay tough and strong.
Semper Fi

06-19-11, 12:52 PM
Very true. Even at the ripe old age of 37...I too have lost a few to booze. Hats off to anyone who can quit once deemed a TRUE addict. It's tough.

06-19-11, 01:21 PM
I've heard from a little birdie somewhere that Burke is "spending" a month's leave of absence from LN. I don't know how true that is or for what reason though. I tried asking Burke on Facebook earlier, and he didn't respond. Guess we will have to wait and see. From what I've seen though I don't think he has broke his sobriety, but I could be wrong.


06-19-11, 02:05 PM
Well I hope not. Best wishes for him. And everyone has to take a break every now and then. I usually come back here every couple days if not a few days because my favorite threads are too hard to keep up with. Yep...some women watch soaps. I read the WAR ROOM!!!!! hahahahaha

06-19-11, 03:21 PM
Well I hope not. Best wishes for him. And everyone has to take a break every now and then. I usually come back here every couple days if not a few days because my favorite threads are too hard to keep up with. Yep...some women watch soaps. I read the WAR ROOM!!!!! hahahahaha

Yeah that's true about women and their soaps haha, kinda like us guys with our sports. I like Football and Hockey personally. In regards to Burke's LOA from here, word is it was "forced" upon him by Sgt. Lep.


06-19-11, 04:11 PM
well i guess the main thing is he stays sober -I stayed drunk for about 40 year's but i've slowed down -I think it my age -best of luck to cpl burkeD

06-19-11, 06:16 PM
Rut Roe! Gotcha. Still...wish for the best.

06-19-11, 06:46 PM
We are here for you and anyone else , as I've been sober for over 20 years ! I did it the cold turkey way , as I figured that living was better than death ! :D

06-19-11, 06:48 PM
Congrats Derek and I told you the night there in the chat room you got in ER, you could quit!! I'm proud of you Derek!! I've never have been alcholic drinker, but smoking I have and I quit that. If you smoke you can quit that also. The anger you can cool that down some. You keep up the good work Marine and we are all here for you!!

06-19-11, 07:16 PM
Congratulations Marine !

You have 16 weeks of positive behavior

Keep it going one day at a time

DanTheMan B
06-19-11, 07:19 PM
I know Derek and his wife Lexi personally. I live near them here in Phoenix, and we hang out a lot. We also attend AA meetings together sometimes since I too am an alcoholic. I know lately he has been having some marital issues recently. Derek has been having a really hard time trying to stay sober. He is a firefighter, and I think a lot of the calls he has kind of stress him out a lot. I know he is contemplating possibly making a career move. I know he is doing better with his anger issues though. If I hear anything more, I'll let you all know.

Semper Fi

06-19-11, 08:56 PM
Good thread.

Bet theres a few Marines with drinking issues.

06-19-11, 09:36 PM
Good thread.

Bet theres a few Marines with drinking issues.

Also a few Marines with other addiction issues from what I've heard :confused:

Kenneth Havelka
06-19-11, 09:43 PM
The answer to sobiiety is MEETINGS-MEETINGS-MEETINGS
Dr.Bob & Bill W. have a great program.......
16 years no boozzzzzzz
S/F Haversack

06-20-11, 07:58 PM
Yeah I've struggled with some drinking issues in the past. It's tough. Good luck Cpl Burke. Hope you have plenty more years of sobriety ahead of you brother.

Semper Fi

06-20-11, 10:36 PM
Cpl. Great job. After 40 years of feeling sorry for myself after I got wounded in Viet Nam 13 months ago I said fluck it. So remember this YOU ALWAYS LOSE WITH MR BOOZE. Now it aint easy but now a days what the hell is?

06-20-11, 10:53 PM
I cant talk for anyone else. But its a ***** to get it and lose it.