View Full Version : Ingrown Toenail

02-23-11, 07:20 AM
I'm developing an ingrown toenail. It's gotten to the point where it's a pain in the ass to walk and run. Couldn't dig it out myself so I gotta see a doc. If I need surgery to remove it, will that DQ me for 6 months? Will I be able to pass MEPS?

Lisa 23
02-23-11, 07:28 AM
Military Medical Standards for Enlistment & Commission

Lower extremities

Jun 10 2009

The disqualifying medical conditions are listed below. The International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes are listed in parentheses following each standard.

The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment, and induction (without an approved waiver (http://usmilitary.about.com/od/joiningthemilitary/a/medicalwaiver.htm)) are an authenticated history of:

Foot and ankle.

Current absence of a foot or any portion thereof (896) is disqualifying.

Current or history of deformities of the toes (acquired (735) or congenital (755.66)) including, but not limited to conditions such as hallux valgus (735.0), hallux varus (735.1), hallux rigidicus (735.2), hammer toe(s) (735.4), claw toe(s) (735.5), overriding toe(s) (735.8), that prevents the proper wearing of military footwear or impairs walking, marching, running, or jumping, are disqualifying.

Current or history of clubfoot (754.70) or pes cavus (754.71) that prevents the proper wearing of military footwear or impairs walking, marching, running, or jumping is disqualifying.

Current symptomatic pes planus (acquired (734) or congenital (754.6)) or history of pes planus corrected by prescription or custom orthotics is disqualifying.

Current ingrown toenails (703.0), if infected or symptomatic, are disqualifying.

Current plantar fasciitis (728.71) is disqualifying.

Current neuroma (355.6) that is refractory to medical treatment, or impairs walking, marching, running, or jumping, or prevents the proper wearing of military footwear, is disqualifying.


Most of the Marines here have no idea what will happen with your ingrown toenail, and if you'll require a waiver or not, or if it will get approved or not. Talk with your recruiter and the folks at MEPS. They can give you the best and most up to date answers for you.

Sgt Leprechaun
02-23-11, 07:31 PM
This is one for the 'docs to answer I'm afraid. I would *think* if the procedure was 'outpatient' and non invasive, with no issues, you wouldn't get a DQ. But I honestly don't know.

02-23-11, 11:40 PM
I know a Marine that gets ingrown toenails at least 5 times a year. Its ridiculous. 2 weeks off work every time....

But he didnt have them coming in, so I dont know.

02-23-11, 11:59 PM
:flag:Ingrown toenail is no big deal. They basically slice the one side of your toenail off and you're on your way.

02-24-11, 07:25 AM
It depends on the Doc, I had one of them sob's when I was in 29 Palms on my big toe, they removed the whole nail,lol, Semper Fidelis.

02-28-11, 02:48 PM
I had the left side of my toenail cut off today and can start running again tomorrow. Very easy and took 5 minutes. I hope MEPS doesn't care that I have half a toenail for now!

Lisa 23
02-28-11, 02:54 PM
In my opinion, and to be on the safe side, let your recruiter know.