View Full Version : Surgery?

10-31-10, 02:23 PM
I had knee surgery on my right knee when I was 12 years old, I am now 22 and am completely fine. There are 2 screws in my knee, but they don't hurt or affect me at all. The screws just hold cartilage in place so that my knee is stronger and doesn't give out. Again, they DO NOT affect me in any negative way (I just want to clarify that). I've been a mixed martial arts instructor for the past few years, and I have never noticed them and am in great shape. So what I'm trying to ask is would I be allowed to enlist in the Marines with these screws in my right knee? I have checked online and I have read various answers, most say yes as long as it is documented in my records and I can pass the physical and can prove that my knee is healed and I still have 100% function and range of motion in my knee (which I do). But a few have said no. I haven't had the chance to talk to a recruiter yet, so any information would be extremely helpful. Thank you and God bless every Marine!!!

Sgt Leprechaun
11-01-10, 12:44 AM
Really, only a recruiter can give you the good scoop right now. Based on recruiting numbers at the moment, you may have a difficult time. For sure, you'll need a waiver, and those take time.

Personally go and speak to a recruiter would be my suggestion at this point.