View Full Version : Frontline News

  1. Be sharp, stay alive
  2. Marines Notice Things
  3. What NOT to send to your Marine
  4. Hemmer dashes to front with Marines in Iraq
  5. Risky weight loss: Marines skip armor
  6. One Morning in Haditha
  7. Darkhorse Marines deliver new wheelchair to Iraqi girl
  8. Deadly job in a dangerous place
  9. In Ramadi, an up-close view of skirmishes
  10. Missing Marine’s body recovered
  11. AP Blog From Ramadi, Iraq
  12. Little Things Can Mean A Lot
  13. Ramblings of TheOnlineChaplain
  14. Frontline Breakthroughs
  15. Marines say control lost in Ramadi
  16. Strong enough for control?
  17. Marines empathize with those in Iraq
  18. A routine patrol, a deadly explosion: Marines leave no man behind
  19. Checkpoint Tedium
  20. Reflections on Haditha
  21. Marines and guardsmen 'embed' with the Iraqi army in restive Anbar
  22. Small gestures
  23. Suddenly, Sand Bags and Potshots at Post 1
  24. On Patrol With Marines, Iraqi Soldiers Get a Lesson in War’s Danger
  25. Marines go insurgent-hunting in Fallujah
  26. News from the various fronts in the GWOT.
  27. In Ramadi, Steel Nerves Needed for Night Ride
  28. Building Collaspe Kills 3rd LAR Marines
  29. Night Mission
  30. Talk fills Marines' long hours
  31. Christmas brownies land in Iraq
  32. A Summer of Discontent in Iraq
  33. ‘They hit the wrong CAAT team’
  34. For Marines, tough choices on deadly matters
  35. Candy protocol in Iraqi towns
  36. U.S. Marines patrol Iraqi city at night
  37. Progress Points
  38. Marines brave ‘hell’ in Hadithah
  39. 'Your feet melt to the concrete'
  40. Marines face perils in Anbar province
  41. Patrolling with Marines along ‘Route Michigan’
  42. Marines in the line of fire
  43. Return to Ramadi
  44. Fallujah convoy: A little fear goes a long way
  45. On the front line in Iraq
  46. Putting out fires in Fallujah
  47. Walking the Line 2007 Part 2 of 3
  48. A calling card for death and destruction on recruiting day
  49. U.S. Troops Trying To Earn A Town's Trust
  50. Mike Yon reports from Iraq:
  51. The Roggio Report
  52. Report from the Iraq front
  53. Sunni tribes battle al Qaeda terrorists in the insurgency's stronghold.
  54. The Anbar Awakening
  55. Reinforcing Baghdad's Outer Belts
  56. Back from Iraq
  57. The Iraqi Army is stepping up the fight against terror.
  58. Mahdi Rocket Teams Destroyed In Sadr City
  59. What I Saw in Iraq
  60. Be Not Afraid
  61. A letter from Iraq
  62. Surrender or Die
  63. War Blog
  64. Bless the Beasts and Children
  65. Formerly Al Qaeda — Sheikh Jassim Now Helps U.S. Forces
  66. “d +16”
  67. Marines Mentor "Spray and Pray" Iraqi Troops
  68. General David Petraeus visits Baqubah.
  69. Al-Qaeda on the Run: Feasting on the Moveable Beast [Video]
  70. Superman
  71. Welcome to Baghdad
  72. The Rules in Iraq
  73. Fighting to Win Hearts and Minds in Anbar
  74. In the Wake of the Surge
  75. A Bird’s Eye View
  76. Turning Point?
  77. Bread and a Circus, Part I of II
  78. I have seen the horror
  79. Dora, Baghdad and the 1-4 Cavalry
  80. The Latest from Baghdad
  81. Exclusive: What’s New in Iraq
  82. U.S. Marines host a party of diplomats and tribal sheiks.
  83. Three Marks on the Horizon
  84. The Surge in Action
  85. The Ghosts of Anbar (Part 1)
  86. Insurgents Try to Kill Soldiers, Kill Children Instead
  87. Too Soon To Give Up: A Report From Iraq
  88. Reporting From The Front
  89. President Visit to Iraq 2007
  90. Katie Couric in Iraq - Part I
  91. Bill Ardolino reports from Iraq
  92. Interview w/ Bill Ardolino from Fallujah
  93. Surge is working, but that is only half of the story
  94. Iraq Roundup
  95. Ardolino Testifies from Fallujah
  96. Anbar Awakens Part I: The Battle of Ramadi
  97. Marines guard Iraq's gradual transformation
  98. Night Raid in Baghdad
  99. Baba Christmas and the Lion of Baghdadi
  100. Iraq: Signs of Success
  101. Confidence is key:
  102. Life with the Marines in Ramadi
  103. Iraq insurgency: Fighting on the beaches
  104. Pippin shot one in the face. Then a bullet found him.
  105. The Trib in Iraq
  106. On Patrol in Ramadi
  107. Hunting al-Qaida in Iraq
  108. The Surge is Only the First Step
  109. Resistance is futile: You will be (mis)informed.
  110. Inside Saddam's 'Lion' mega-base
  111. War Blog
  112. Iraqi Islamic Party: “Al Qaeda is Defeated”
  113. A day in the life of a combat ER.
  114. Trauma, shrapnel and the fight for life
  115. After the Battle of Al-Fajr
  116. The Other Fallujah Reporter
  117. Moment of Truth in Iraq
  118. The Long War Journal: Report: Osama bin Laden’s security coordinator captured in Paki
  119. Dispatches From The Front Lines
  120. Witness
  121. The Final Mission
  122. Embedded at the Kuwait airport Starbucks, part 2: Here come the Marines!
  123. Marines struggle with failing power grid
  124. One shot, one squirrel
  125. Guns in the Desert
  126. Marines find Ramadi more welcoming than Berkeley
  127. Guitar Heroes
  128. The Liberation of Karmah
  129. Builders of Nations
  130. Hope for Iraq’s Meanest City
  131. Now They Have Turned to the Tribes
  132. On the Road in Baghdad
  133. Video: Michael Yon on his book, troop morale, and the progress of the Iraqi army
  134. Iraqis begin to 'despise' the Mahdi Army in Baghdad's Rusafa district
  135. In Pictures: From Rusafa to Sadr City
  136. Letters Home: So much for fair and balanced
  137. Letters Home: I'm almost out of a job — and that's good
  138. A Harvest of Heartache
  139. Live Blogging an Embed in Ramadi, Day 1
  140. Christmas In Iraq: What a Difference A Year Makes
  141. Other Voices: Marines on the front line have no blacked-out days
  142. A Battlefield Tourist
  143. Bill and Bob's Excellent Afghan Adventure
  144. Hopey Changey and The Strike of Our Sword...
  145. Sangow Bar Village
  146. One Giant Leap
  147. Inside the Marines' Work in Afghanistan
  148. Drinking From Socks
  149. No Mochaccinos, No Problem for Marines of Echo Company
  150. Journal entries of AP photographer embedded with US Marines in Afghanistan
  151. On Helmand's frontline with the US marines
  152. Edd in Afghanistan: Day One
  153. Lifting the veil on conflict, culture and politics