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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY killerinstinct..... (5 replies)
  2. Salman Rushdie's Knighthood Justifies Suicide Attacks? (2 replies)
  3. Independence IQ - From Fixed News (0 replies)
  4. Only 29% of Americans Say U.S. Is Winning WOT (13 replies)
  5. Famous Marines: (94 replies)
  6. hopefully a marine in the future (0 replies)
  7. Happy Fourth. Best recent documentary about the Marine Corps (0 replies)
  8. On Independence Day.......... (3 replies)
  9. Patriotic speed painting (0 replies)
  10. How well do you know patriotic songs (3 replies)
  11. Happy 4th of July (0 replies)
  12. Original R.A.C. Platoon members? (0 replies)
  13. Shut down your computer at night!!! (3 replies)
  14. Poem By One Of Ours (0 replies)
  15. Spike Lee to focus on black soldiers (10 replies)
  16. Recapturing the Spirit of Independence (20 replies)
  17. to any combat engieers (0 replies)
  18. i need urgent help (1 replies)
  19. Rules of dating a Marines daughter (38 replies)
  20. McCain Meltdown (4 replies)
  21. Fed's Role in the Bear Stearns Hedge Funds Meltdown (2 replies)
  22. IRR protester arrested at Army post (1 replies)
  23. What is heroism? (6 replies)
  24. 'Don't ask' takes its toll (0 replies)
  25. Want to introduce myself. (30 replies)
  26. Declaration of Independence (1 replies)
  27. 10-week basic for soldiers? (1 replies)
  28. Pack in your pistols (10 replies)
  29. In Honor and Memoriam of Corporal Hobart Lloyd Cobb USMC (8 replies)
  30. The Return of Bill (1 replies)
  31. Republican draws nearly 600 after presidential forum (video inc) (0 replies)
  32. Oliver Stone keen to make film on Ahmadinejad (0 replies)
  33. Sharon Stone photo (3 replies)
  34. Your Music (3 replies)
  35. Al Qaeda Adapts (0 replies)
  36. Never had my tattoo documented. (1 replies)
  37. Out of my League (0 replies)
  38. Russians test ballistic missile (2 replies)
  39. Bush: 'Good results' follow Iraq buildup (1 replies)
  40. Phony Vietnam Vets Proliferate (90 replies)
  41. Human Rights Group Decries Bigotry in Beheading Video (8 replies)
  42. Not in the marines (40 replies)
  43. The meaning of 'Semper Fidelis' (139 replies)
  44. Back for a quick update. (4 replies)
  45. "The Making of a Marine Officer" (3 replies)
  46. When All Else Fails Blame Bill Clinton (video) (2 replies)
  47. The Wall Volunteers For Name Reading (0 replies)
  48. FIX'd News hates.....(video) (2 replies)
  49. Taking Care of Our Own: Wounded Warrior Regiment Stands Up (11 replies)
  50. Looks like AIPAC will get tough now..... (21 replies)
  51. Chavez in Russia for Possible Weapons Deal (1 replies)
  52. Kremlin lays claim to huge chunk of oil-rich North Pole (0 replies)
  53. Army / Navy (2 replies)
  54. How do we ask our children to fight, and perhaps die, for a country they do not know? (1 replies)
  55. How we become American. (0 replies)
  56. Military makes little effort to punish deserters (0 replies)
  57. Shooter? (13 replies)
  58. Veterans of Foreign Wars question. (2 replies)
  59. What ever happened to SEMPER FI???? (21 replies)
  60. Chair Farce (21 replies)
  61. Senate blocks immigration bill (15 replies)
  62. Conservapedia (4 replies)
  63. Paul Rockets to First..... (0 replies)
  64. Bye-Bye, Landlines (sounds like a good VOIP service) (1 replies)
  65. Marines should dump canyon attack plan (0 replies)
  66. Baggage In Limbo- Help! (3 replies)
  67. Headache mystery solved by a bullet (2 replies)
  68. Showdown! Elizabeth Edwards vs Ann Coulter (video) (0 replies)
  69. Jib Jab's 'Star-Spangled Banner' (0 replies)
  70. Banks 'set to call in a swathe of loans' (0 replies)
  71. Is it UN-PATRIOTIC to be FOR the "war?" (15 replies)
  72. The Price of Experiences Just Keeps Going Up (3 replies)
  73. COs fear that Iraqis cannot hold seized areas (part two). (0 replies)
  74. Tired Of Spam (9 replies)
  75. Is it UN-PATRIOTIC to be against the "war?" (84 replies)
  76. Let's make a deal. (5 replies)
  77. Let's make a deal. (2 replies)
  78. rank in the marine's> quick or slow? (34 replies)
  79. Shift Happens......... (1 replies)
  80. Scoring The War (32 replies)
  81. The Truth About Guantanamo (25 replies)
  82. Question On Oorah (8 replies)
  83. Get Your Green Card Here (0 replies)
  84. Cholestrol: Drug company hype or good medicine ? (11 replies)
  85. War is an Ugly thing (2 replies)
  86. Any of the Old "Young Marines" (5 replies)
  87. LMAO, first it TV's without speakers now Dr. Pepper without pop (0 replies)
  88. Need some advice (0 replies)
  89. Need a little advice. (23 replies)
  90. Futema, Okinawa '72-'73 Era (1 replies)
  91. Decline for Military in Black Recruits (15 replies)
  92. Chirac spurns scandal questioning (0 replies)
  93. Everyone we fight in Iraq is now "al-Qaida" (58 replies)
  94. Ron Paul: "No Amnesty, No Welfare for Illegal Aliens" (7 replies)
  95. American Media Misses the Boat (Our 'ally' at work) (0 replies)
  96. Oil prices: You ain't seen nuthin' yet (9 replies)
  97. Another log on the fire... (2 replies)
  98. @usmc.mil e-mail address (14 replies)
  99. Ex-Marine kills bear with log, gets ticketed (10 replies)
  100. An entertaining evening............. (1 replies)
  101. New TV's (19 replies)
  102. Iranian naval forces in the Gulf tried to capture an Australian Navy (0 replies)
  103. Gitmo May Close, But The Problems Aren’t Going Away (4 replies)
  104. Spiders on drugs! (1 replies)
  105. All roads leading to Pakistan (2 replies)
  106. Report faults U.S. nuclear arms policy (0 replies)
  107. Your Support Is Needed (16 replies)
  108. Hitlery, Obama yo Mamma (3 replies)
  109. What is the difference between these two? (0 replies)
  110. Addiction takes hold in the poppy fields of Afghanistan (1 replies)
  111. Iraq - Telling it like it is (video) (2 replies)
  112. Ex-Marine Ticketed For Killing Bear With Log (1 replies)
  113. Edwards wife scheduled to speak at SF Gay Pride event (13 replies)
  114. Full Straw Poll Results (R) (4 replies)
  115. Semper Fi Marines--- Motovation (2 replies)
  116. W.H. decision near to close Guantanamo (0 replies)
  117. US, Israel finalise Iran strike plan (65 replies)
  118. Cheney: Willfully Violating Classified Nat Sec Information Directive? (1 replies)
  119. I didn't know that............. (2 replies)
  120. A college education for illegal aliens (0 replies)
  121. First recorded report of Marine killing bear barehanded (10 replies)
  122. Landing Ships Outmaneuver Terrorists (1 replies)
  123. Analyzing and debating 10th's favorite quote: (34 replies)
  124. Laa Laa La Laa Connect the dots... (2 replies)
  125. Iranian Students Protest In Tehran (15 replies)
  126. Nobel Committee Rescinds Arafat's Peace Prize (17 replies)
  127. Mr. Bush - How Low Can He Go? (25 replies)
  128. Been Through the Naval Academy? (2 replies)
  129. Portable Rockets, Must Have More Portable Rockets (2 replies)
  130. Osama bin Laden in now celebrating day 2,100 of freedom (19 replies)
  131. US Military Threat directed against Iran (0 replies)
  132. Ron Paul Mops Floor With The 'War On Terror' (video) (7 replies)
  133. Can I get some help with this pub question please? (49 replies)
  134. How To Fool The Media (16 replies)
  135. Baby died after pacifier taped to face (11 replies)
  136. Must See Video, Navy Seal (Marcus Luttrell) (50 replies)
  137. statute of limitations on ASVAB/Recon Indoc? (29 replies)
  138. savings bonds bought in bootcamp (29 replies)
  139. Japan Re-Names Iwo Jima (6 replies)
  140. A late BDay for all of the "DOC'S" (0 replies)
  141. China sells more US T-bonds (20 replies)
  142. Dems' Timidity May Cost Them Dearly in 2008 (12 replies)
  143. Bloomberg Leaving Republican Party (3 replies)
  144. Ron Paul Excluded in Iowa (10 replies)
  145. End Game Strategy In Iraq (0 replies)
  146. You lefties need to see something... (16 replies)
  147. War Wounded Underpaid (4 replies)
  148. An Analysis of General Pace’s Departure (26 replies)
  149. Bush and Rumsfeld ‘Knew about Abu Ghraib’ (132 replies)
  150. A little video about my greatest experience....Being a United States Marine. (1 replies)
  151. Definition of a Marine........... (1 replies)
  152. The "Drivers' Ten Commandments," (0 replies)
  153. Marine Corps Job Board (0 replies)
  154. Hillary Clinton picks a campaign song (9 replies)
  155. . . . And A Failed Presidency (New Book) (8 replies)
  156. Bloomberg (R-NY) "I think the country is in trouble," (0 replies)
  157. Secret meeting where French President offered Blair EU President job (3 replies)
  158. UK's wars 'leave EU at risk of terrorism' (0 replies)
  159. Rudy missing in action for Iraq panel (0 replies)
  160. Many Americans want English as the Official Language (12 replies)
  161. Camel Toe - The last word. (1 replies)
  162. Compromising (12 replies)
  163. Recommendation (11 replies)
  164. Extension of Contract at PRP commands? (1 replies)
  165. Canadian Beauty (2 replies)
  166. Marine Veteran Sen. Webb on Military Sons and Fathers (0 replies)
  167. Fred Thompson coming to Israel (42 replies)
  168. Bush suffers court setbacks (40 replies)
  169. Extra dressing (0 replies)
  170. Prior Service Marine (20 replies)
  171. SC poll has Obama, Thompson as frontrunners (51 replies)
  172. questions for recruiter (6 replies)
  173. questions for recruiter (2 replies)
  174. Passing The Torch (20 replies)
  175. Would you turn in your son if he confessed to murder? (19 replies)
  176. circa 1984 , KGB defector describes what has been done to America (0 replies)
  177. Smedley Butler questions.......... (105 replies)
  178. Another Iwo Jima Photo.... (11 replies)
  179. Making Marines healthy again (0 replies)
  180. Gen. Peter Pace Speaks (26 replies)
  181. Republican or democrat (62 replies)
  182. Fed Gov't Spending Pie Chart (36 replies)
  183. This is why we are losing.... (41 replies)
  184. Hon. Dr. Ron Paul speaks against amnesty / National ID bill (video) (2 replies)
  185. How long do we have ? (11 replies)
  186. How Wars Of The Future May be Fought (2 replies)
  187. Bush Gets His Watch Stolen By His Albanian Fans (video) (6 replies)
  188. White House Marine (0 replies)
  189. Hitchens' History Lesson for Progressives (1 replies)
  190. First Strike against Russia (14 replies)
  191. China Taking On US (2 replies)
  192. There Is A Difference Between A Dem. And A Rep. (84 replies)
  193. Reid labels military leader 'incompetent' (51 replies)
  194. Officers say U.S. troops fired first (12 replies)
  195. Helping others!!! (0 replies)
  196. Note to crooks: Don't mess with Marines (21 replies)
  197. Flag Day 061407 (5 replies)
  198. I cant believe it. (0 replies)
  199. The Next Stop is Saigon (51 replies)
  200. Bill O’Reilly’s lame excuses for FOX Noise covering Iraq less than MSNBC and CNN (49 replies)
  201. Army admits it dumped 64 million pounds of chemical weapons at sea (43 replies)
  202. Suicide risk double among male U.S. veterans (1 replies)
  203. Dozens Of US Spy Satellites Discovered By France (4 replies)
  204. Not Safe At Any Altitude (7 replies)
  205. Food Network chef embellished USMC record (7 replies)
  206. Poisoned Patriots at Camp Lejeune (3 replies)
  207. MTV… What do you think? (4 replies)
  208. Any D.I.s out there? (0 replies)
  209. Army's influence in top posts is waning (0 replies)
  210. Clinton owes lead to support from women (7 replies)
  211. Camp Lejeune's Toxic Water (0 replies)
  212. Lost Their Way To Iraq (0 replies)
  213. Solving the Sergeant Shortage (1 replies)
  214. Simpson credits US Marines for her new buff bod (15 replies)
  215. New armored vehicle bullish in Pentagon test (0 replies)
  216. Republican Matt Sanchez reports from Iraq (8 replies)
  217. Chocked on the green weenie this weekend, while prepping for Iraq (4 replies)
  218. War takes up less time on Fox News (2 replies)
  219. U.S. Arming Sunnis in Iraq to Battle Old Qaeda Allies (20 replies)
  220. Lieberman (D Israel): U.S. Should Weigh Iran Attack (0 replies)
  221. Boogieman 44 (6 replies)
  222. Blue Angels FANTASTIC PICTURES (3 replies)
  223. Liberty in Sydney, AS (1 replies)
  224. Powell: Close Guantanamo Now, Restore Habeas (video) (51 replies)
  225. Who keeps America safer? (20 replies)
  226. Why did Israel attack USS Liberty? (0 replies)
  227. Ron Paul : Stop Dreaming (video) (5 replies)
  228. Flying. (5 replies)
  229. Cyclists peel off clothes to push pedaling, protest pump (0 replies)
  230. The Terrorists Friend (2 replies)
  231. A lame joke becomes reality (0 replies)
  232. Camper51 (1 replies)
  233. Pentagon Confirms It Sought To Build A 'Gay Bomb' (8 replies)
  234. Pole Vaulting beauty (9 replies)
  235. Like Gen Pace - Washington Out of 'Grey's Anatomy' (3 replies)
  236. Poser Prosecuted To The Max (2 replies)
  237. Blues Out Of San Fran? (1 replies)
  238. Mars rover finds "puddles" on the planet's surface (0 replies)
  239. Marines in SC at a concert (4 replies)
  240. Military recruiters shouldn't have so much access to kids (26 replies)
  241. And the Winner Is..... (0 replies)
  242. Now Fix Immigration (0 replies)
  243. Happy Birthday Camper51 (1 replies)
  244. Pace Out as Chairman (28 replies)
  245. Big Turkey incursion in Iraq would be U.S. nightmare (2 replies)
  246. How Many Marines on this Website... (81 replies)
  247. I'm a McCain Man, Through and Through--Unless... (4 replies)
  248. The Ron Paul phenomenon? (22 replies)
  249. Fears of war....... (3 replies)
  250. Despite polls, Marines committed to mission (0 replies)