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  1. Sundays
  2. Another Chance..
  3. Choice of MOS
  4. Letters to home
  5. Tell me about Marine Combat Engineers.
  6. Looking for advice on where to turn...
  7. need advice
  8. Military IDs
  9. The Crucible question
  10. Amtrak MOS question
  11. Military Police
  12. Hardest part of Boot Camp
  13. what i hated most about Boot Camp was....?
  14. HELP: Training for the Marines
  15. MOS question.
  16. Poolee Meeting?
  17. Medical Requirements
  18. 'Over-the-counter' drug question.
  19. Lietenent Lewis B. Puller
  20. MP School
  21. best job for going in law enforcement after the corps
  22. MOS Help
  23. 0261 Gis
  24. Daily Life
  25. active duty v reserve infantry
  26. What is the limit?
  27. Too fat for Marines?
  28. Info about Recon
  29. Medals
  30. Prior service recruits
  31. boot camp plt video
  32. Typical Day in Hell
  33. Combat Support question
  34. What do Marines think of...
  35. Attitudes tword MP's
  36. MOS 4671 Combat Videographer
  37. Aviation MOS
  38. Reserve Marine to PLC
  39. Church during Boot
  40. Possible?
  41. Security Forces/Presidential Protection
  42. LOUDER! I can't hear you!!!
  43. Combat Arms
  44. Bobman
  45. Floats?
  46. College credit
  47. Marine Bootcamp
  48. Micro Management for MP's
  49. Recon Ron pull up program question
  50. Just a short question...
  51. Crew Chief - MOS?
  52. Options in JAG
  53. Second Try
  54. I Want To Know How I Can Become A Marine
  55. ASVAB help
  56. Sniper Help
  57. A typical day in Iraq/Stan
  58. Interested in becoming a Marine
  59. "Typical" day at boot some questions...
  60. Question about records in the USMC ie: record # for pull ups or sit ups etc..
  61. Typical day in boot camp
  62. What is a "blanket party" or whatever its called?
  63. Can a person holding a B2 visa enlist?
  64. Field Opertations
  65. A question on OCS/TBS
  66. Prior service....
  67. Open Contract Help
  68. Engineering field question
  69. I ship June5th and so Ill be around for 4th of July... Got 1 question
  70. Contract Question
  71. please please help me??!!!!!
  72. Base selection
  73. Switching MOS after Reserves
  74. Question about pay during boot and beyond
  75. USMC hard hats?? Need some help
  76. Might be an ignorant ? but i need help
  77. Prior Service to Reserves
  78. Advice needed from sniper(s)
  79. MCRD San Diego vs. MCRD Paris Island
  80. Need help with getting green card for enlistment
  81. Degree's
  82. Pain When Running - Ship June 12th
  83. SERE school?
  84. Question about pay rate
  85. Becoming Squad Leader
  86. Enlisting with I-94
  87. Marines Medic?
  88. Opinions on ballistics
  89. Tourettes
  90. Becoming a Reserve or Full-time Marine?
  91. Infantry to Recon
  92. What is a guideon?.....
  93. combat engineer
  94. A quick question for Reserve Marines.
  95. Questions about MOS and Officer School...
  96. 0621 MOS question
  97. Question about transfering from one Reserve station to another
  98. Joining with physical disability...
  99. Extremely Important Question
  100. Marine Scout Sniper
  101. Is the infantry really what everyne says?
  102. All of the overseas bases
  103. Please Read: Vision
  104. MARINES Recon/ Correct me if I'm wrong
  105. Volunteering?
  106. Need Help Please!!
  107. Help please
  108. Flat Feet
  109. Help Fast
  110. Joining the marines from another country
  111. Designated Marksman
  112. Some Questions: Reserve Infantry to PLC
  113. Naval Academey
  114. how do you join the marines
  115. Overseas or East West Coast
  116. Any Marines out there been in Artillery?
  117. Health question
  118. New Member
  119. Question about WW2 Marine Veterans.
  120. Question regarding age
  121. Do I Have What It Takes?
  122. Artillery Question
  123. Can fraud discharged recruits re-enlist?
  124. Reg boot camp harder or OCS harder?
  125. Possible Surgery?
  126. Question about fraternization
  127. Security Forces
  128. Sea/Shore Duty
  129. Just curious...
  130. Injury/Illness after MCRD
  131. aformer jarhead needs help.
  132. Color blindness
  133. Question about Active Duty Life.
  134. Foreign citizen
  135. Emergancy!!!
  136. Question for Women Marines
  137. Combat Engineer...
  138. Which MOS?
  139. Question about officer obligation
  140. I think my recruiter is BS'ing me
  141. Surviellance And Target Aquisition
  142. 10 day leave
  143. Who got static from family/friends for joining the Marines?
  144. Job Information
  145. Rotc
  146. Mos 1341
  147. What did you miss the most at Boot?
  148. For Any Marine Officers
  149. Pullup Bar
  150. Age..How old is too old?
  151. Where has Ssgt Jim Nelson gone?
  152. MOS 4341, Combat Correspondent
  153. Question
  154. 35 On The ASVAB
  155. Linguistics
  156. So, I set up an appointment for a tatoo...
  157. Reserve w/ PLC
  158. Semper Fi: Er?
  159. Earning A Promotion In Boot
  160. Jrotc
  161. 08XX MOS (Field Artillery)
  162. Regarding JROTC&YoungMarine's
  163. Disqualificatioon Before MEPS
  164. Qualification for military service
  165. Can they guarantee you a MOS these days?
  166. Just one question.
  167. Meps/recruiters Help
  168. 8th and I
  169. Right Way To Get A Waiver
  170. What do you think?
  171. Platoon Videos
  172. Need help choosing a field.
  173. Interested in the Marines
  174. Active Duty or Law Enforcement
  175. Jump School
  176. DQ From MEPS For Accutane
  177. MOS chances
  178. Advice for Talking with Parents
  179. How can I join?
  180. Joining with A G E D
  181. Physical Fitness
  182. Mr Recruiter is P***ing Me Off
  183. Failing the IST?
  184. Enlisted reservist in PLC - deployable?
  185. Just joined the site and I have some ?'s
  186. Marines: Hand to Hand combat
  187. Marines
  188. Bravery
  189. places the marines have taken you
  190. Marine Officers: If you could go back...
  191. can you get a waiver
  192. Boot Camp here come
  193. Name/Uniform
  194. Jag Corps Question
  195. Medic Question
  196. Intelligence - 0231
  197. Firepower
  198. 0300 Insiders Info???
  199. Officer
  200. Im Shippin Out
  201. Another question
  202. How old is too old for an infantry officer?
  203. Marine Scout Sniper
  204. Questions About Boot Camp
  205. Question about boot camp.
  206. Exact MOS rather then 02XX
  207. Fire Support Man/Forward Observer MOS Question(s)
  208. Please Help Recon V.S STA
  209. Just wonderin
  210. Becoming one.
  211. Question about marksmanship.
  212. Picking Your Job.
  213. Wow
  214. Crucible - Phase 2 or 3?
  215. 2 Point Waiver On ASVAB Score
  216. Navy to Marines
  217. Intel Questions
  218. Medical Records
  219. PT Q's
  220. Pull-ups
  221. Re-applying for a contract?
  222. Chip in
  223. Officer or enlisted?
  224. Girlfriend
  225. Teamwork!
  226. Questions about the Corps
  227. Disqualifiers?
  228. What the....
  229. Officer-Enlisted Marriages..Help
  230. Educational benefits for the reserves?
  231. MP Questions
  232. Wtc Ground Zero
  233. Likely joining the Corps soon
  234. Quarterdecked
  235. The MOS gods have spoken
  236. Intelligence, potential, and the USMC
  237. Getting sore in Boot Camp?
  238. living on base
  239. Arty ?
  240. How often does AD get to come home?
  241. Some Questions
  242. Gf's?
  243. Force Recon, Navy SEALS
  244. Het ?
  245. Force Recon Work-Out?
  246. Waiver Question
  247. Why do people always done the Marines?
  248. Finding someone
  249. Getting back in
  250. DD- Intelligence Specialist ???