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  1. Marines & The War On Terrorism
  2. We Will Never Forget
  3. Lackawanna Six Indicted
  4. It's Gooooood Morning Bagram! as Williams Flies In
  5. U.S. Replaces Afghanistan Warplanes
  6. More U.S. Marines head to Djibouti
  7. "Thunderbolts"
  8. Home Coming From Afghanistan/ Troops get billed for equipment wear
  9. U.S. Missile Kills 6 Al Qaeda
  10. Lark
  11. "Marine's letter home"
  12. For U.S. troops, Vets Day just another day
  13. The Heart Of A Soldier
  14. U.S. Thanks Veterans, Old And New
  15. Gen. Franks: U.S. Committed to Afghans
  16. At Home and Abroad
  17. Facing 'a New Age of War'
  18. Challenge to Guantanamo detentions
  19. U.S. calls citizens tied to al-Qaida fair game
  20. Al-Qaeda still a player in cyberwar
  21. Gitmo Detainees Get New Deal
  22. Floundering Fathers
  23. Remember this? Some things never change!
  24. Chief Petty Officer Johnny Bivera
  25. T'was The Night Before Christmas In Afghanistan
  26. Dod Identifies Army Soldier Killed In Afghanistan
  27. Marine returns home for holidays
  28. Flying Nightmares Rock the Afghan Skies
  29. "Sandra Teague"
  30. Pass The Ammo Forward
  31. U.S., Allied Forces Battle Afghan Rebels
  32. War In Afghanistan Is Not Over
  33. What is the mission of troops in Afganistan?
  34. Once was Lost, but Never Forgotten
  35. Gunman Eludes U.S. Soldiers High on a Mountain in Southeast Afghanistan
  36. Suicide attempts among prisoners at Guantanamo
  37. CIA Officer Killed, 2 Hurt in Afghanistan
  38. Kuwait's Camp Coyote is tip of spear in U.S. arsenal
  39. U.S. and Coalition Aircraft Bomb Rebel Positions in Central Afghanistan
  40. NBC Leathernecks keep Marines, Sailors safe
  41. Deep in a Hangar, U.S. Officers Direct the War in Afghanistan
  42. U.S. Troops Engage Enemy Forces in Eastern Afghanistan, No Casualties Reported
  43. Detainees in suicide bids
  44. Civilians deploy with Marines
  45. Marine survives near fatal accident; lives to support OEF
  46. Brain Drain
  47. U.S. troops dismantle mines found near U.S. base in Afghanistan
  48. Search ends for Sailor lost at sea
  49. One Call Answered, One to Come
  50. While all eyes are on Iraq, Afghan mission continues
  51. U.S. Troops Raid Afghanistan for al-Qaida
  52. Troops comb Afghan mountains for al-Qaida
  53. Al Qaeda Near Biological, Chemical Arms Production
  54. Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan Kills 6
  55. Ladies' night over Afghanistan
  56. Bench Press Competition Lifts Kabul Marines Goals
  57. US steps up Afghan operations
  58. Red Cross Weighs Options in Afghanistan
  59. 2 U.S. Soldiers Killed in Afghan Ambush
  60. The Marines Have Landed
  61. Twenty 'Taliban' killed in fresh Afghan offensive
  62. Ex-Taliban Provincial Governor Held in Afghanistan
  63. Yemen Arrests Al Qaeda Suspect Wanted by FBI
  64. Afghan Program to Disarm, Reintegrate 100,000 Fighters to Start in July
  65. Purported bin Laden Tape Urges Attacks
  66. Irish pub kickstarts Kabul nightlife
  67. Murderer Killed in Coalition Raid in Kandahar Province
  68. U.S. Soldier Killed, Five Hurt in Afghan Clash
  69. Marines Serve in Joint, Coalition Mission
  70. Special Forces unit takes rocket fire in Afghanistan; no injuries
  71. No Light in the Afghan Tunnel
  72. Marine embassy guards mistake Afghan soldiers as assailants, kill four
  73. Probe of Kabul embassy shooting launched
  74. Small foreign units could soon patrol Afghanistan
  75. Air Force will not prosecute F-16 pilots
  76. Taliban regroups to fight coalition
  77. Marines, Proud of History, Ready to Play Their Role
  78. War Diary
  79. An Unlikely Cowboy
  80. Former Gitmo detainee sues U.S. for damages
  81. Marines Host Mujahedeen Warrior
  82. Afghan prisoners released from Guantanamo describe conditions as cramped, recount mon
  83. Danish Airmen Train Marines, Share Expertise in Landing System
  84. 'Afghan Hounds' Protect Coalition Forces
  85. The Alamo in Afghanistan
  86. Report From The Swamps Of Afghanistan
  87. Fierce Fighting Reported In Afghanistan
  88. U.S. Bombs Taliban in Afghanistan's South
  89. That Other War
  90. Afghan, U.S. forces seek fleeing Taliban in south
  91. U.S. Marines are shaping their training to prepare for a new type of military role.
  92. Marine Harrier Pilots, Mechanics On Call 24/7
  93. Afghanistan planning calls for up to eight more years
  94. Lee Greenwood Performs for Bagram Troops
  95. Driving Force of Bagram, Disney Gets Face Lift
  96. An Afghan rebuilding takes shape
  97. Dining Facility Offers Midnight Chow to Hungry Troops
  98. Suspected Taliban group attacks in Afghanistan
  99. Keep Afghanistan on radar screen
  100. Classical Music Unifies U.S., Coalition Troops
  101. CIA operatives killed in Afghanistan
  102. Award for heroism in Afghanistan
  103. Afghan lessons
  104. Marine recalls time spent on duty
  105. Embassy warriors celebrate Corps' Birthday
  106. Fast preparations, easy mission
  107. K-9 unit uses keen sense of smell, aids Task Force Kabul.
  108. Familiar scene is never easy
  109. Afghan Camps Have Links to Attacks
  110. Afghanistan tops NATO ministers’ agenda
  111. Marine Battalion Joins Bagram Team
  112. Saddam’s capture may aid bin Laden search, Afghan officials say
  113. Marine Reservists Bring Firepower to the Skies
  114. UAVs’ combat role uncertain — for now
  115. Young veteran of two wars recounts his experiences
  116. Marines Celebrate Christmas in Kabul
  117. US students help Marines give school items to Afghani children
  118. Marines eye 'other desert'
  119. A New Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan
  120. Bin Laden cornered in Pakistan's northwest
  121. Kerry's letter to the President
  122. Have You Been Denied
  123. Unit will deploy to Afghanistan
  124. New York's most-famous Marine — and he doesn't know it!
  125. Afghan War On Terror Hard To Measure
  126. Marines communicate for Afghan ops
  127. Coalition firing range in Afghanistan was al-Qaida training camp
  128. MACS-4 Marines return from Afghanistan
  129. Marines arrive in Afghanistan to expand U.S.-led force
  130. Afghan City Falls Despite Troop Dispatch
  131. Long Journey into Afghanistan
  132. Charlie Company in the assault
  133. Marines in Afghanistan welcome arrival of big guns
  134. R. Lee Ermey visits the Afghan National Army Marine Detachment
  135. Marine home from Afghan war
  136. Roadside Bomb Injures Marines in Afghanistan
  137. 22d MEU (SOC) gets its marching orders
  138. Marine featured on Time magazine visits home
  139. U.S. deploys Marines to Taliban stronghold
  140. 22d MEU (SOC)'s FOB in Afghanistan pays homage to Marine hero
  141. Seeing war through the eyes of a Marine's dad
  142. Revenge is the mission as Marines push into Taleban heartland
  143. Marines, Afghan police team up
  144. 22nd MEU (SOC) Hercules Flex Their Muscle In South-Central Afghanistan
  145. 22d MEU (SOC) provides gift of water to Afghan villagers
  146. Fighting the other war:Units from across the Corps take on Afghan mission
  147. Golf Battery undertakes myriad tasks as provisional rifle company
  148. Picture Story: Charlie Company, BLT 1/6 in Afghanistan
  149. Combat engineers serve at forefront of 22d MEU (SOC)'s
  150. Wusbin patrol announces “new sheriff” in town
  151. Marines Take Care of One Another in Fierce Afghan Firefight
  152. U.S. military changes Afghan prison procedures after review prompted by allegations o
  153. Afghans behead Taliban in revenge for beheadings
  154. Fierce fire fight brings together MEU ground and air fighters
  155. Marine returns flag Harrodsburg veteran sent to him in Afghanistan
  156. Marines jumps on Six Flags Trip
  157. 22nd MEU (SOC) recognized for its role in the war on terror
  158. Marine offensive in Afghanistan called unprecedented, a shock to Taliban
  159. Operation Recap 1 of 12: ULYSSES II was 22nd MEU's first major foray into Afghanistan
  160. Another One Bites the Dust
  161. Why I Serve: Marine's Life-Long Dream Comes True
  162. Sacked
  163. Afghanistan's Election Success
  164. A Strategic Failure in Afghanistan Conflict
  165. Troops in Afghanistan celebrate Fourth of July
  166. Battle for Afghanistan
  167. burning the bodies
  168. In Afghanistan, the job is tough, but they love it
  169. Isle Marines off to Afghanistan
  170. Marine dies after Afghanistan blast
  171. DI awarded Navy Cross for actions in Afghanistan
  172. US marines killed in Afghan bomb
  173. Marines Stymie Taliban, Earn Afghan Villagers' Trust
  174. What boots in those mountains ?
  175. More Training
  176. Springtime for Killing in Afghanistan
  177. Eyewitness in Afghanistan
  178. Afghanistan sees spike in violence, U.S. deaths
  179. Lubbock family mourns the loss of a second son
  180. Conway: Corps unlikely to return to Afghanistan
  181. Letter from Afghanistan
  182. Captain earns Silver Star for Afghanistan firefight
  183. Afghanistan: The Winnable War
  184. Sit-Rep - Afghanistan
  185. SA-7 In Afghanistan
  186. Afghan war makes a comeback in U.S. media
  187. Gen.: Force alone will not win in Afghanistan
  188. Afghan Special Operations Troops
  189. The Afghanistan plan
  190. Generals slam Marine plan for Afghanistan
  191. Sending Marines to Afghanistan Makes Sense
  192. Canadian Snipers In Afghanistan
  193. Liveblogging Afghanistan
  194. Afghanistan-bound battalion begins Mojave Viper
  195. Marines see re-run in Afghan theatre
  196. Much has changed at Kandahar
  197. It’s a 30-hour trek from Lejeune to Afghanistan
  198. Marine Afgan Operations
  199. ACM regulations updated
  200. deploying
  201. 1/5 US Marines
  202. 1/5 US Marines
  203. AFGHANISTAN: Marines patrolling province on Iranian border
  204. Massive mortar system combats insurgent cells
  205. IRAQ: 'You have to kill them'
  206. Unclassified
  207. A Walk in My Boots
  208. Afghanistan Deployed Aviation Combat Element Performs Above, Beyond Expectations
  209. Sgt / Lcpl in Afghanistan
  210. Afghanistan Photo War
  211. Why is it?
  212. Volunteer in Afghanistan
  213. With Special Operations Marines in Afghanistan
  214. Afghanistan a different fight then Iraq
  215. Lejeune deployment announced
  216. Sitrep From Afghan
  217. Purple Heart Hall of Honor
  218. Thousands of vets could get benefits upgrade
  219. Assault Breacher Vehicle
  220. Summer Plan for Afghanistan
  221. Marines To Replace British Troops in Sangin
  222. GPS- Guided Parachute Can Deliver Blood
  223. New Chest Rigs
  224. SAW Replacement-Real World Testing
  225. Undisciplined Afghans Endanger Marjah Marines
  226. Honor, Duty, Sacrifice
  227. CROSSHAIRS counter-shooter system deployed to Afghanistan
  228. Iowa Man to Receive First Non-Posthumous Medal of Honor Since Vietnam
  229. Prayer Request
  230. Amazing!
  231. Former SAW Gunner Receives Silver Star
  232. 1st. Recon Marines gain 'Black Diamond' nickname from Taliban!
  233. "OOORAH" - Motor T Rocks!
  234. Deployment Advice
  235. Marine Commandant Describes Progress in Afghanistan
  236. With The Warriors
  237. Forces Kill, Capture Insurgents in Afghanistan
  238. Partnered Force Kills Haqqani Terrorist
  239. Sgt. Survives Sniper Round To The Head
  240. Afghanistan Operations - Navy Pilot
  241. Optics for .50-cal guns coming to Afghanistan
  242. Forces Capture Terror Group's Top Leader
  243. Strike Kills No. 2 Insurgent in Afghanistan
  244. Mississippi Persian Gulf War Memorial
  245. They will fear the name again - USS Michael Murphy (DDG 112)
  246. Forces Disrupt Taliban Operations in Zabul Province
  247. Oregon Marine watches over ground troops in Afghanistan
  248. Marine Corps Artillery- Afghanistan 2009
  249. Anyone deployed with a Police Mentor Team?
  250. Hold It!!!!!