Best MOS for someone who can choose any?
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  1. #1

    Best MOS for someone who can choose any?

    Hello Forum Leatherneck, I am having a very hard time trying to find an MOS that mixes intellectual capacity and not being bored off my ass. (9months to boot in High School)

    I was thinking about picking CBRN (5711) and saw that it was mostly gassing people and fixing / managing gas masks. Is this true? My recruitor doesn't seem to know too much about this MOS.

    Also, if anyone has a suggestion for an MOS that balances fun with intelligence I would love some advice.

    Here are my scores:

  2. #2
    I think being bored is an integral part of every MOS.
    I had similar scores and I picked an mos that anyone could pick....desk jockey isn't really my thing.

  3. #3
    i like weather you can deploy a fair bit depending on the station you go to and its the Marine Corps' only real science MOS. in the civilian world ive seen weathermen making upwards of 125k a year so you can transfer it as well

  4. #4 interesting question to be sure. Some off the wall jobs:

    Combat Correspondent
    Combat Photographer
    Aviation (Specifically, Osprey Crew chief)

    Naturally, there is the Infantry, (but even there you'll be bored).

    Get one of the pamphlets from the recruiter that lists ALL available MOS's, or hit up the website, and just poke around, see what might interest you.

  5. #5
    Highly recommend 0231 intelligence specialist. Thats what I am and Im always doing research for the job. Kind of in the same boat being that I wanted some job that would put my mind to the test being that I was used to college work loads lol

    -LCpl Do

  6. #6
    Air Traffic Controller- It transfers to the civilian world well
    most MOS's dont.

  7. #7
    The fact is, ALL MOSs carry some boredom and downtime.

    What is "fun" for one person may not be fun for another. I had a friend who loved spending hours sodering circuit boards in the Navy. He loved it, I could never imagine doing something like that. I joined the infantry. Sure it was fun setting C-4 and shooting Rockets...but you're bored the other 80% of the year.

  8. #8
    Not sure if the Marine Corps has this particular MOS, however there is a Joint Command for it. If your a nut job with computers like myself, and love hacking, cracking, tracing, and just plain geek. Then looking into Cyber Warfare, something I wish I would have gotten into in the Marine Corps. Here is the Wiki Page for the Command. Best of luck

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