Marines, I need your answers (MIP lastnight) - Page 2
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  1. #16
    Temptation to do stupid stuff in a social environment, especially "back on the block" is not something that disappears upon becoming a Marine. Far from it.

    Many a Marine goes home on leave during their first enlistment as a more experienced and more mature man/woman only to discover that their old friends are still smoking chronic, drinking underage, and wasting their time in nowhere minimum-wage jobs. Despite everything the Marine Corps makes you, the maturity and self-confidence to be able to tell those friends that no, you don't do those kinds of things any more because you are a Marine, has to come from you. And it will be a lot harder to say no then than it might be now, so if you are unable to keep the importance of your future in the front of your mind and let you be stronger than the peer pressure to partake in stuff you know you are not supposed to right now, it will be impossible for you to do so later as a Marine when a lot more responsibility is placed in your hands and a lot more people are depending on you to do the right thing.

    My advice to you, moving on from this, is keep some piece of motivation with you at all times. Something minor that has significance to you. A keychain with an Eagle Globe and Anchor emblem on it would work for example. That way when you find yourself in a situation where it's easy to forget that your actions have consequences, you can pull out that little token that symbolizes your dreams and remind yourself that it isn't worth destroying your future for something stupid and transient.

    For myself personally, I keep a chevron for the next rank, Corporal, pinned inside my wallet, and on the inside of my cover when I'm at work. It serves as a reminder whenever I'm ****ed off or frustrated or feeling like doing something stupid for some passing self-satisfaction that my goals in life are more important to me than that, and I hold myself to a standard higher than what's expected of what I am right now (a troop).

    So when you are with your civilian buddies and you feel like drinking a couple beers too cause everyone is doing it and it doesn't matter anyway in the civilian world, remind yourself that you aren't just the civilian you are right now, you are a future Marine. And "Marines don't do that."

    This is a setback. But things change and while you may make things harder on yourself or push back achieving your goals, maybe next year we'll be at war with North Korea and they'll start granting waivers again. You never know.

    That's all I got for you.

  2. #17
    Wow, that was motivating, thank you so much! I bought a Marine Corps gold token thing with the EGA on it as kind of a "worry stone", this should keep me out of trouble. Again thank you!

  3. #18
    I wouldn't say your screwed from joining the Military, go check out the Navy, Army, or Air Force. The Army would probably be your best bet to be honest. Take your getting busted three times as a learning experience, and move on from it. However getting bust for boozing three times, makes me think that you have more of an issue with liquor at the age of 17 than you want to admit. Be honest how much do you drink a week?

  4. #19
    Okay, adults can drink once every other weekend or so and get pulled over and just leave because its legal, I barley ever drink, like I said that was the first time I have drank in about 4 months. Its just that I got busted on those occasional weekends, I dont have a problem, I dont even drink every other weekend. And thats a negative on the Army. I talked to my recruiter anyhow and he said we will be working something out with this whole deal.

  5. #20
    You're only 17 and still in high school, and you sound like it's OK for you to drink whenever it is that you do.
    When adults get pulled over for a DUI, DWI....they're in trouble whether you think so or not.
    DON'T compare yourself (being a minor) and your drinking to what ADULTS do when they drink. The difference is...... adults do it legally, and you're not...but, both have a price to pay for getting caught.

  6. #21
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    Okay, adults can drink once every other weekend or so and get pulled over and just leave because its legal, I barley ever drink, like I said that was the first time I have drank in about 4 months. Its just that I got busted on those occasional weekends, I dont have a problem, I dont even drink every other weekend.
    Excuses are like azzholes...that about the adults won't stand up in a court of law.

    This is like arguing apples and oranges.....

    You have to be 21 to drink legally.....

    You are not you should not be drinking at all.

    This is a debate that can fill the pages of the internet.....

    But it boils down to you are drinking underage until they change the law back to 18 which will be never.

    Drinking four months ago or this past weekend is still wrong as you know....

    So when you grow up and become 21...then get to drinking until your hearts content if you so the meantime it is illegal for if you want to fulfill your dream of becoming a Marine....

    I would consider my past transgressions every time you want to put a bottle or cup to your lips.....until you are of legal age age...then there are still consequences for not acting responsible.

    And as far as the recruiter goes....he is going to pull some mighty big strings to get you waived......hopefully he isn't pulling yours.

    Do you have any legal action pending?

    Good luck to you....but quit making excuses!

  7. #22
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    What is the acronym for MIP?

    Mentally Ill Person?

  8. #23
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    Seminole County
    Quote Originally Posted by Wannaberekeke View Post
    Okay, adults can drink once every other weekend or so and get pulled over and just leave because its legal, I barley ever drink, like I said that was the first time I have drank in about 4 months. Its just that I got busted on those occasional weekends, I dont have a problem, I dont even drink every other weekend. And thats a negative on the Army. I talked to my recruiter anyhow and he said we will be working something out with this whole deal.

    Another point to make here: In Michigan it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle with open alcoholic beverage containers anywhere in the passenger compartment. The driver can be stone cold sober and he can still get a skid for the open containers his passengers might have. I know, I wrote enough of them to adults and minors.

    Lame, lame excuses.

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Blooper View Post
    What is the acronym for MIP?

    Mentally Ill Person?
    Minor In Possession.

  10. #25
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    Minor In Possession.
    Thanks I thought that's what it was.....but if you get busted four times for the same thing....according to Einstein.....that could also be a definition of Mentally Ill Person could also fit...but it wouldn't go over well on the docket.

    Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing
    over and over again and expecting different results.'

  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Wannaberekeke View Post
    Lastnight my friends and I went to a party (Mind you I never drink, this was the first time in 4 or so months after I already had my other 2 MIPS), the original plan was to crash there but everyone ended up having to leave, we got a sober driver who had nothing to drink to drive us home in my car. We get pulled over and get breathlyzed, I fail, I barley blew over .02, not that it matters, I shouldnt have been drinking in the first place. I'm in the process of enlisting but haven't been sworn in or been up to MEPS, will this effect my chances of enlisting? If I get everything taken care of as far as fees and things like that should I be okay?

    Why were you given a breath alcohol test? If you're not driving, why would you be given one? Guess you didn't learn after your first TWO minor in possessions.

  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Wannaberekeke View Post
    Okay, adults can drink once every other weekend or so and get pulled over and just leave because its legal, I barley ever drink, like I said that was the first time I have drank in about 4 months. Its just that I got busted on those occasional weekends, I dont have a problem, I dont even drink every other weekend. And thats a negative on the Army. I talked to my recruiter anyhow and he said we will be working something out with this whole deal.
    This one is an NJP just waiting to happen

  13. #28
    I wasn't making an excuse or condoning what I did, not at all. What I was saying is that I dont have a problem, I was saying that legal adults can be pulled over, drunk, not driving and be let go without being accused of having a problem, but if your a teenager, everyone assumes your an alcoholic, which I am not. No excuses here, I ****ed up, I admit it and I am facing what I did.

  14. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by fjmas1976 View Post
    Why were you given a breath alcohol test? If you're not driving, why would you be given one? Guess you didn't learn after your first TWO minor in possessions.

    I was asked if I had been drinking and I answered honestly and told him I have been, so thats why I got a breathlyzer. Its not like I was irresponsible about the situation. We had a sober driver, I only blew a .04, but like I said, none of that matters, I am underage and should not have been drinking.

  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by fjmas1976 View Post
    This one is an NJP just waiting to happen
    I personally don't expect a civilian to have all the stupid out of their system before they even join. The USMC will fix that.

    Might take a bust to make them wake up, but that isn't the end of the world.

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