Security Forces Question
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  1. #1

    Security Forces Question

    I was watching a movie a while back called The Final Countdown (great movie if you haven't seen it, it's about the Nimitz traveling back in time to Dec. 6, 1941 and having an opportunity to defend Pearl Harbor). Throughout the movie, a Marine is shown following the Captain around, announcing him on the deck, etc. As I understand it, this Marine is part of Security Forces and part of a small detachment of Marines stationed on the ship. What is his job? What does he do for the Captain? The movie is about thirty years old, so things may have changed, but is this still a roll a Marine would fill on board a ship?

  2. #2
    If I remember right it was called Sea Duty. The Marine Detachment on board was responsible for overall security of the ship as well as other duties such as doing different things for the captain. I don't think that Marines have that type of billet available anymore, although I had heard that there is talk about bringing it back. Sea duty was not limited to just the 03 field as I knew of several 08's that were on the Iowa and other battleships and carriers.

  3. #3
    Correct. At one time, Marines served on ALL large capital ships. That was discontinued around 1997, I believe.

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