Need Help - I want to DEPLOY again
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  1. #1

    Need Help - I want to DEPLOY again

    I am in the reserves and I went to Iraq Jan 08-Aug 08. In Dec of 09 I graduated college and have just been hanging out since then. Ive been testing for jobs at fire departments because thats what I want to do but before I start that life I want to go on a deployment to Afghanistan. No matter what I do and ask for through my chain its always a deadend. It seems when you want to do something in the USMC they wont let you (me wanting to go to Afghanistan for ex) and when you dont want to do something they will make you do it (taking Marines out of their IRR to deploy for ex). So I was hoping someone here would be able to point me in the right direction, everything I have tried in person and through my chain and all that has just been a dead end. I know of a reserve unit that is deploying soon and I am sure some active units are deploying too. Im 0311 btw and only want to deploy with an infantry unit. Please help me if you can, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you

    - Matt

  2. #2
    Check Marine Net, we were told you can sign up on that. If not, if you know who is deploying, why not call the other unit and see if you can attach?

  3. #3
    How do you sign up for it on MarineNet? I thought that was just for educational stuff?

  4. #4
    Heck if I know...we were told there was a link to volunteer for deployments.

  5. #5
    man power and reserve affairs has that liink i believe

  6. #6
    any of you guys got links for those? greatly appreciated, thanks

  7. #7
    I recommend talking to your COC first but you can volunteer for an IA. Individual Augmentation. Its under reserve manpower and affairs on

  8. #8
    my COC is a dead end, already been down that road

  9. #9

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Jackson, yah I saw that but they had nothing for 0311 and besides that all the other MOS's you needed to be a staff nco or higher usually. Thanks though.

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