FitRep Question
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Thread: FitRep Question

  1. #1

    FitRep Question

    I was talking to my OIC today and was trying to get an answer about my past 2 FitReps I received from a different RS. When I wrote my last FitReps I had received Letters Of Appreciation thruout the reporting period for both FitReps and had put them on my FitRep that I assigned my RS thru APES. But instead of leaving it in there and getting a commendatory FitRep it was removed and I didn't receive any credit in my FitRep for my volunteer work. Is there anything I can do about my prior FitReps or do I pretty much just have to suck it up?

  2. #2
    Well in a case like that it's a very slight chance you could get a change done, it would mostly have to go through the RS/RO on the report. Commendatory reports due to a LOA or community service would be a stretch but that doesn't mean those marks should have been removed. That would be a pretty good indication that either the RS removed them or the RO told the RS to remove them. Depending on who your RS was, from the sounds of it, I'm guessing it was someone that hasn't written a lot of reports (I had some nick-the-new-guy RS's as well over the years )

    There are times when you can have reports pulled, changed, etc. but those are mostly when there's a major error on the report (ie: date gaps, billet related marks, annual training, etc). The best you can do is print those reports off and sit down with your 1stSgt to see what he can come up with, if it's something he feels needs correction then it'll go to the SgtMaj for varification.

  3. #3
    As far as fitreps go, does anyone know where to find the official marine corps platoon sergeant billet description?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ghost5043 View Post
    As far as fitreps go, does anyone know where to find the official marine corps platoon sergeant billet description?
    There is no "official" billet descriptions. There are instructions and examples in the PES manual, MCO P1610.7E paragraph 4004. What is *supposed* to happen is you sit down with your RS at the beginning of a reporting period and establish your billet description, modifying it as your gain additional billets. In the end you would have an accumulation of all duties you are or have been responsible for.

    Usually that doesn't happen, and you'll just need to think back to everything you had a significant hand in during that period.

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