composite scores and cfts
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  1. #1

    composite scores and cfts

    how many points will i get for a cft on my score. i have a rifle of 309 a pft of 235 a cft of 257 how many points do i get for that cause i know the one on mol is messed up its not going to just jump 257 points there is just no reason behind it. please help...

  2. #2
    Here's what I posted in another thread.

    I just checked mine out and I now see how it's done. They take the ratings from your PFT, CFT, and rifle score and add them together. Then they divide them by 3 and multiply times 100.

    For instance, if you have a 281 PFT, 300 CFT, and shot 316 it will look like this:

    PFT=1st Class Rating=5.0
    CFT=1st Class Rating=5.0
    Rifle=316=EX Rating=4.7

    Subtotal =14.7
    GMP subtotal divided by 3 = 4.9 X 100 = 460

  3. #3
    Marine Free Member Martin513's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Lashkar Gah, Helmand Prov, Afghanistan
    I've also heard that they are talking about CFT counting for composite score half the year, and PFT counting the second half. I really doubt they will keep both of them in at the same time. Then they would have to jack up the cutting scores. I would have mid to high 18XX cutting score if I had both my CFT and PFT in.

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