My Deciaction, Motivation, Heart as a Poolee in the Marine Corps - Page 2
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  1. #16
    THAT IS IMPRESSIVE!!!! After you come back from boot camp as a Marine, make sure you do a before and after picture, hell, you'd would get so many people wanting to join after seeing what you did. Get RA after boot and just bring your old pictures, see what happens..

  2. #17
    Wow great job keep it up

  3. #18
    That is spectacular! And very motivating to a lot of people. Keep up the good work and continur your PT and you will be in great shape when you get to Boot Camp! GREAT JOB!


  4. #19
    thats my boy right there.

  5. #20
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Holly Springs
    Thats outstanding bro! Dedication will take you a long way, keep it up. I found when I lost my weight, muscle was alot easier to put on. My bench shot up 100 lbs in 10 months. Make sure to keep it up, and put on some muscle before you ship and you'll be good to go.

  6. #21
    yea im keepin up the progress, yesterday at pt we did cross country with weight and it hurts to get up but i love the feeling cause it making me stronger and more able to become a Marine one day

  7. #22
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    keep it up big guy! the more you do, the more you want to do.

  8. #23
    Great job, OP! I was in the same basic ship you were in. Was at 350, decided to lose weight-- orginally just to get girls (lol)-- but I decided I'd rather spend my time on something that actually matters, so I called a Marine Corps recruiter. A few days later I swore into DEP at MEPS in Nashville,Tn. Shipping out January 15th.

    It's been a long road to get to 200, but that's where I'm at. I'm cutting to lower my body fat down to single digits before I ship and come up with some muscle.

    Good luck to you, man. I learned dicipline, initiative, responsiblility, and maturity while losing my weight. I'm sure the same is true for you. Hopefully that'll serve us well at Recruit Training.

  9. #24
    Great job, harper20! I was in the same ship you were in. I was at 350 and decided to lose weight-- originally just to get girls ( lol)-- but once I lost most of it I changed my mind and decided to do it for something that actually matters, so I called a Marine Corps recruiter. A few days later I swore into DEP in Nashville, Tn. Shipping January 15th.

    It was a long road, getting down to 200. I'm glad I've done it. The only thing left for me personally is to cut down to single digit body fat and try and get to about 180. I'm 6'2, so that might be alittle too much. I'll decide when I get there.

    Good luck to you! In losing my weight I learned discipline, motivation, maturity, responsibility, intiative, and endurance. I'm sure the same is true for you as well. Hopefully it will serve us well at Recruit Training.

  10. #25
    preciate it, wat day did u goto MEPS in Nashville?

  11. #26
    That is very impressive man. The most I had to lose was 45lbs. I can't imagine what dedication it must take, to stay motivated so long. Let alone to start that uphill battle in the first place. I hope we both earn the Title one day, because I think it would be awesome to serve alongside someone so dedicated and hard working. Good luck man, even though I don't think you'll need it.

  12. #27
    my basics got changed to 20091201!!!!!

  13. #28
    Congrats on the ship date changed.

  14. #29
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Hacienda Heights
    Quote Originally Posted by harper20 View Post
    my basics got changed to 20091201!!!!!
    Mine, too! But I went the other way. Delayed, that is...

  15. #30
    Awesome, congrats on the weight loss and ship date upgrade. I know alot of poolees that would kill for that. Good luck bro.

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