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Thread: Asthma?

  1. #1


    I had a bad case of asthma when I was little. I was hospitalized many times when I was two and three. Now 14, I am very healthy. I no longer take an medication. I can run 2 miles in 16 minutes, 10 pull ups in 2 minutes, 50 crunches in 1 minute. I am 6 feet tall and 170 pounds. I am very athletic. I have never had an attack. I love the Marine Corps. I have a few friends in 3rd Infantry. I want to be like them. I want to be an 0311. I guess my question is, Can I join the Marine Corps with a history of asthma.

    P.S I have never had an asthma attack.
    P.S.S It is allergic induced asthma.

    I really need help with this.
    Thank You so much
    Nikolas Schweitzer

  2. #2
    Doubtful at best at this time. However, since you are only 14 at this time, that could change in the future. If you were 18 and trying to get in, I'd say you'd have to pass a lung test and get a waiver, plus a doctor to sign off. Keep pluggin away and you may have a good future!

  3. #3

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