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  1. #16

    With your BUMED, send ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. What I mean is doctor's notes saying you have been off medication for a year (be specific on those notes also), get written statements from your family and people who know you extremely well, etc. Make sure that there is no mention of suicide in these notes also, even if it says "Shannon WAS suicidal but she is fine now", BUMED will look at that and DQ you right then and there. I would also include a flow chart basically time-lining everything that took place (i.e. January 1st, 2008 Shannon was put on this medication. May 8th, 2008 Shannon switched meds for this reason. Sept 17, 2008 Shannon was taken off medication). That's just an example but you get the gist. My buddy right now is trying to get in because of ADHD he has to be off for a year and BUMED requested a flow chart, even though they didn't ask for one with me, so I would go ahead and send one up. If I think of anything else I'll definitely let you know! Take care.

    - Jacob

  2. #17
    Thanks a lot. That was incredibly helpful. They havn't sent the documents to BUMED yet but the doctors told the liason that it would be better to wait the full year. So I have about 4 months. I will keep trying til I get in. I was denied entrance into the three Army branches...but decided the Army wasn't for me after a trial semester of ROTC. So I have been waiting like 8 months already, 4 more doesnt seem like much. Good Luck to you with the Navy.

  3. #18
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stdfreesince83 View Post
    Does everyone say when BUMED denies you, it's the end of the road? Is this true in all the services?

    Jussst a question
    No, because BUMED only deals with Marines and the Navy. The Air Force and Army have their own medical bureaucracies.

  4. #19
    Like the Sergeant said, BUMED is only Navy/USMC. But be aware that if BUMED of the Marines deny you, BUMED of the Navy may not. I'm in that situation right now. Just because the Marines said no, I am still trying for the Navy. Good luck.

    - Jacob

  5. #20
    So if BUMED denies me re-entry into the Navy, is that it? I came on here, because all the Navy forums are d*cks and not helpful AT ALL and it seems everyone here is supportive and offers good advice... hope you don't mind the intrusion I'm noticing the trend that everyone is just keeping headstrong and fighting (which is what I'm doing...) is there a certain wait time to re-submit?

    (I have an RE3P/JFM sep code, no issues since discharge, med records to prove the aforementioned...)

    For Christ sakes I'm about to just go into the Army just to get back into the military and serve my country... then maybe transfer to Navy later.

    Any help is mucho appreciated guys. Thanks

  6. #21
    That's way above what I rate to be offering advice on that. And you are right, just stay strong! I just keep fighting. I have been on the verge of going to the Army because I don't get any answers at all, and it seems like the Army is taking people left and right. Good luck with your endeavors.

  7. #22
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    BUMED is BUMED. The Navy itself might have some slightly different physical requirements as swabbing a ship's deck, or listening to a sonar, isn't the same as humping a machine gun in the 'Stan.

  8. #23
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
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    Windsor, CT
    So how are things working out with the Navy...or are you still waiting to find out?

  9. #24
    i dont care what anyone says, you can over come lots of things..... I enlisted and have a slipped disc and a permanent pinched nerve in my lower back just above my tailbone.... and i told the Corps about it they just made a waiver and tried to discourage me from wanting to be a grunt so i wouldnt take any chances from injuring my back with all the humps and the excess weight...but i told them thats what i wanted they just simply got a waiver and i will admit its painful at times but soo worth it

  10. #25
    Jacob, long time no speak....there is nothing wrong with the Navy, they have a long, proud tradtition. We've had several guys from here having situations that wouldn't allow them to join the USMC and they went Navy and are happy.

    As Mason said, don't give up, where there's a will there's a way.

  11. #26
    Hey Sergeant,

    You're right, long time no speak! Just dropping by to give a long awaited update. I have officially enlisted into the United States Navy. I have a guaranteed HM (Corpsman) contract. I also get the opportunity to take the SEAL screening on Monday. Ever since the Corps turned me down, many doors have opened and I am forever grateful. I still want to be a Marine someday and mark my words, I will be one. I'll just bandage ya'll up until then

    For all you guys and gals who think there is no possible way to serve your country..hear this...FIND ONE! Keep the fight going until the Commandant of the Marine Corps himself knocks on your door and tells you to ****ing stop. And even then, when he walks off your lawn, turn around and call the President and get a second opinion.

    God bless you all. See you in the Fleet.

    - Jacob

  12. #27
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
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    Hacienda Heights
    Nice! Congrats on everything. When do you ship?

  13. #28
    Good news indeed...I respect your tenacity and perserverence in this....that shows a lot of character which is lacking in a LOT of our younger people....

    Even if you never do make it to be a Marine...that's not really's the service that matters...we all serve the same master in the end, and all have our roles to play. You are a very small minority of American's that ever will serve on active duty...nobody can take that from you ever.

  14. #29
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
    Join Date
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    Saratoga Springs
    Sorry to hear about that. You seem to have a great attitude and I'm sure it will all work out in your favor. Just because you may not become a Marine does not mean you can not live by Marine Corps standards. Good luck in all you do!

  15. #30
    Im very happy to hear you got into the Navy, and with a Hospital Corpsman contract no less! My roommate is in school for that right now. He loves it, lots of opportunities to serve and you learn a lot. You may find out you love being a Corpsman. Good luck.

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