What inspired you to become a Marine?
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  1. #1

    What inspired you to become a Marine?

    Hmmm... how to start? As a child from what I can remember I dreamed of war and the world comming to an end. My father was a Vietnam Vet he told me his first story when I was playing with little plastic soldiers one night ( I was probally around 3 years of age ) it sticks with me. He was probally high on some sort of drug and drunk aswell. But its somthing I never forget. All my life I wanted to be a soldier to fight and kill. I don't know why can't exsplain it. Before I was in kindergarden I had shot sawed off shotguns, pistols and semi automatic rifles. My father came back from Nam what some would call a nut case... He dealed dope and that aswell I knew better than my abc's still not even in school yet. Growing up I was never aloud to ware camoflauge but could play war with my plastic M-16 guns. My father always told me to never trust the Govt. I smoked my first joint with my dad by the time I was four years of age and had tried cigarettes with beer comming in a few years down the road. We never left home with out a complete set of arisonal and drugs. By the time I was in kindergarden I got my 1st bloody nose standing up for the underdog being bullied by two kids. All through school I found myself in that situation. Cutting the story short, I finally have my 1st memories of my mothers dad a cpl in the USMC he faught in Korea he told me to never ever join the Corp. all you will do is dig ditches thats all he ever told me I wish i could of learned more about him besides being in paris island and Korea.. When I hit 4th grade I stopped at a USMC recruiters office he made me push and such and then gave me this poster that I still have today of a US Marine in deuce gear holding a M-16 ( I think its dicontinued because after the shot he went A-wall and ended up in the Brig). (funny thing about that poster is everyone said I was a spitting image of this guy all through my years in the Corp. they even wrote my name on the poster) I hung that poster proudly in my bedroom and promised myself I would be that guy one day. By the time I hit high school I wanted to graduate early to join the Military and my father the Army dog he was..... said go Marines he said they are the best and eat better. LoL whatever but my parents would not let me garduate early and join at 17. So I graduated, 2 months later I had assaults on police officers and battery along with criminal tresspassing. I became a target for my cities police, year later underage drinking x 3 and another assault on a police officer. By this time I owned around 8 sks's an ak47, mini 14 several shotguns and was heading down the wrong road. I had a tattoo on the side of my head and a rap sheet a mile long. What had happened??? I forgot about who I really wanted to be. I believed in justice, freedom, and the right to do whatever you wanted. Kicked out of my home and no place to go I Joined the Corp. I thank the Corp. for every moment I spent with them. I miss serving the Corp. it never changed me but it gave me a reason to change. If not for the Corp. I would probally be dead like most of my friends I grew up with. I am thank for all my Brothers and Sisters and all my hard knocks in life that have gotten me to where I am today. This may not sound inspiration but its to hard to put it all into words... All I can say is OooRah to all of you reading this.

  2. #2
    Great story Dan!!


  3. #3
    Marine Free Member FistFu68's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Broken Bow

  4. #4
    My Father was a Marine. I spent my entire life up to when I enlisted trying to make my Dad proud of at least one of his 7 kids. He incouraged me to join after I had sent in a post card inquiring to the Marine Corps abour enlisting. When I enlisted, went to boot, and came home on leave, I saw in my Dad's eyes a spark that wasn't there before. I made my Dad proud for the first time in 17 years. That made boot worth all the B.S. My dad spent the next 4 years bragging about me. Made the first 17 years of my life worth it. Up until my dad's passing away, because of my service in the Marines, he valued my opinion, and I became his favorite. I spent my life trying to get my dad's respect, and when I became a Marine, I finally got it. Looking back, I realize he was holding me to a higher standard than my siblings because he knew I had it in me to be one of the finest. Semper Fi dad, I love you, and thank you for being such a hard azz.

  5. #5
    I joined the Marine Corps because the Army recruiter was late to meet me 3 times in a row. Marine recruiter was always early. My time to me was and always will be worth more to me then money. Other way around and i would have been Army strong. That simple. OORAH

  6. #6
    They took the hostages in Iran. I came from a family that stepped up when anyone screwed with America. Dad, Uncles, brothers all army. Cousins, navy and air farce. I went straight to the Marine recruiter and signed the papers when I turned 18. I told my dad that I was going to be one of the best. He said something about it not being a rose garden. I remember seeing that poster in the recriuters office and thought it was fate. My dad bragged to everyone about his son, the Marine. Now I find myself doing the same thing, bragging about my son, the Marine!

  7. #7
    Okay,I'll confess.....It Was ...................................
    THE DUKE....

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ecfree View Post
    Okay,I'll confess.....It Was ...................................
    THE DUKE....

  9. #9
    I had a good job but no health care for my son. I was living in a state with the 49th worst public education system. I figured I HAVE to join the military to remedy those two situations. I figured while I was at it I'd pick the best of the best.

  10. #10
    I came from a Military family. My Dad was an Army Officer, His brother was a Marine in World War II. My brother was in the Navy during the 1960's Cuban deal. I joined the Marine Corps because I knew I was going to Nam and I wanted to come back-----alive!
    seemed to work well for me !!!!!!!OOOOOOOOOORAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. #11
    Good stuff!! I waited until today to read feedback, I was kinda affraid I would get some negativity because of my background. I later had regreted the post. Take care Brothers and Sisters!!!!

  12. #12
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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  13. #13
    Well one of my "Brothers" on my fire dept became a Marine and is currently in Iraq. I have always wanted to serve my country but couldnt make up my mind. Along with everyone telling me I could never make it into the military, let alone the Marines, it just gave me even more motivation to do it. I wanna be apart of the Best, be challenged, and have a career that i could be proud of.

  14. #14
    My daddy always told me I was a bum and never going to make anything of myself and I reckon I started believing him so when I graduated high school I went to the recruiter told him I wanted to be something and he told me he had just the place. Two broken bones and three months later there I stood on the parade deck knowing I had become something. Now I'm about to graduate from college and my life has purpose. I'll never be able to thank the Marine Corps enough for making me who I am.

  15. #15
    Being raised in a small S.W. Penna. town of approx 700 people, I was somewhat a country boy who would listen to the reports on the radio and the news about Vietnam and how the communist north was trying to take over the free people in the south. To make a long story short while in H.S. in 1967 I and my best friend wanted to do our part to stop the communists. We wanted to Join the best fighting force so here I still am. My Best Friend L/Cpl Larry Eans was KIA in Dec.68. Three days after I came back to the country. He is now standing guard waiting for us all up at the gates...Semper Fi Brothers

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