Is it common to be promoted in the IRR
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  1. #1

    Is it common to be promoted in the IRR

    I would like to find this out and see if there is a regulation on it. Got out as an E-3 with 6years active duty, was a good Marine and didn't get in trouble at all. Just my MOS was closed almost the entire enlistment when it did open missed the cutting score by 10 points and then my squadron was deactivated. Still had 18months left in and was not reclassed or retrained to another MOS.

  2. #2
    YEs, many Marines get promoted in the IRR. You just have to do all your required training throughout the year ie; rifle range, pft, swim qual, etc.

    But yes, I had 4 friends promoted to Sgt shortly after dropping into the IRR

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