well first and foremost i will tell you this kid... im posting here one to help the poolees out because god knows no one helped me out before i went. After being in for only
2 1/2 year going through bootcamp itb yata yata..i would give this advice to anyone in your position. you have a few years before you are ready to join.. think long and hard... this isnt a game.. i see it everyday Marines who dont Want to be Marines.. the days where you show up to work at 0300 and get off at 2300+ spending 6 hours cleaning your weapon after a week long feild op because there is some ******* gunny as duty armour that wants it inspection ready.. just think about that.. or police calling brass for a couple hours etc just think people is this what you want.. its not a good time. as far as pt... as long as your not fat bootcamp really isnt that hard your drill instructors will slay you enough along with the training evolution to get you where you need to be.