10 Steps To Destroy A Local Community
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  1. #1

    10 Steps To Destroy A Local Community

    10 Steps To Destroy A Local Community

    Step 1: Tolerance
    The path to hell is always paved with good intentions. First you need to accept and love all people that want to live in your community. That includes your violent and stupid neighbor next door that currently has made the three frivolous women of the community pregnant and has produced 15 lovely children that harass people and cause trouble as a hobby. You accept them, because they work hard at the Capital Factory, where many citizens earn their living.
    Step 2: Equality
    A community that's divided doesn't work, so all children have to attend the same school. Since most children, even if coming from healthy and stable families, are easily influenced by other children, the destructive, emotionally unstable and stupid students begin to influence the smart and healthy students. Segregating the groups would be a no-no and upset the poor parents who believe their idiotic children are as nice and kind as any other. Bad behavior is spreading.
    Step 3: Segregation
    Soon the community is struck by random violence, destruction of community property and fear of going out at night. The responsible parents have a hard time keeping up with what their children are doing and the politicians don't understand what's going on. All healthy families begin to move away from the areas where bad families have settled down. The community begins to segregate.
    Step 4: Altruism
    The local priest in town observes the declining unity among people and figures intolerance and hate must be the answer. He realizes the community has become bigoted and decides to increase the moral good by helping other people. Soon the politicians begin to accept the chronically poor, known drug addicts, heavy criminals and illegal immigrants from Mexico and Africa into the community. The priest appears on the local paper as the rebirth of Jesus and the healthy families pat each other on the back, now all the intolerance and violence will disappear!
    Step 5: Cold Love
    But the decadence continues to grow, now spreading to most middle class families that see things degrade and figure there's not much to do. People lose faith in the community and start to care more about themselves. Besides, no one dares to tell the criminals to take a hike, drug addicts to drown in their own cocaine and the weird immigrants to move back home. That's racism! So, individualism and social atomization grows.
    Step 6: Big Brother
    Since the common culture that once held people together is breaking down and is mostly defended by the elder, the politicians decide they need to offer the citizens more police protection. They will have the right to bust your door in, lock you up in prison and tap your phone calls, but it's for your own safety, in case you're a criminal or critical of the altruism of the political leaders. Just in case.
    Step 7: I Hate The State
    Now that a large proportion of the community doesn't work but instead is destructive and a leech on the welfare system, social health care, public education and community activities are losing money, leading to worse services for all. Healthy kids don't get the education they need, the elderly have to wait five years before seeing the doctor and any cultural activities include either binge drinking or sex orgies in the church. People start fiddling with their taxes and regard the community as a parasite on their health and well being.
    Step 8: Buy Yourself An Identity
    When traditional culture disappears and immigrants continue to practice their own ideals, values and traditions, the citizens of the community no longer feel like they share something in common -- except money. They all work at the Capital Factory, which has been bought up by a rich oligarch from Russia. The oligarch realizes he can have illegal immigrants slaving for low wages in his business, so he bribes the politicians with cash and introduces a new word: "multicommunity" - all people from all cultures living happily together. The message is repeated every day on the local TV network. Many people call it "entertainment" and watch it to relax after work.
    Step 9: Jurassic Park
    As people grow more and more alienated and frustrated over a few people at the Capital Factory earning lots of money by filing documents and signing papers, resentment between the workers and the managers increases. Combined with ethnic conflicts, criminals running amok and perverts teaching children how to engage in sodomy, the citizens of the community become competitive and realize that they have to struggle just to stay alive. They all need money and food on the table; anything else is not important anymore. The industrial pollution of the river nearby continues unnoticed.
    Step 10: Overthrow
    The last and final step is a slow but devastating one. Now all the low-IQ idiots, criminals and deviants have outbred the healthy and intelligent segment of the community. A financial elite in China, where most of the factories have been moved to cut down on production costs, has bought up the politicians. With poisonous water and food, chaotic schools, dissolved culture, corrupt leaders and a hypocritical priest that recently converted to orthodox Communism, the once beautiful, quiet and healthy community is now a hell hole for idiots and parasites.
    50 years later, travelers from another community find a large area with trashed buildings, blow up dolls, voting tickets and old statues, wondering of the horrible fate that met this town. Then they shrug, walk back home and turn on their TVs to watch the Jay Leno Show on NBC. And so history repeats itself again...

    Boarders Language Culture

  2. #2
    Marine Free Member Wyoming's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    25º 38' N, 54º 26' E
    Good One, Karl!!!

  3. #3
    Well said!!!!

  4. #4
    Intolerance should be the number one LAW in the US..

    Look at the Declaration of Independance as precedence.. maybe?

  5. #5
    Define "Intolerance".

    Your definition may vary considerably from mine, or someone elses.

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