I'm leaving for boot on Wednesday... as in, THIS Wednesday!
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  1. #1

    Exclamation I'm leaving for boot on Wednesday... as in, THIS Wednesday!

    Well I just got a call from my recruiter a little over 2 hours ago, and he told me that I am shipping out 05th December - THIS WEDNESDAY! I am really pretty sick right now, and my mind is all fogged up from being so sick and all of the meds going through me, so I asked him what he had just said & to say it again, and my ears did not deceive me. He said, "You are going to ship out on Wednesday." I was (and still am) STUNNED, just flabberghasted. I could not even say one word really back to him other than, "What?" He happily yells to me over the phone, "You're leaving to become a Marine on Wednesday!" I was supposed to leave on the 17th though, I do not know what the bloody hell happened to have it changed to something SO soon. This is just a HUGE shock to me, both good and bad. I needed that extra time to work on my arm hang (it's very weak) and get my running even better since my previously collapsed lung is now cooperating with me and I made my IST run this past Tuesday; plus I need to lose about 12 pounds yet in order to make my ship weight. I also have a friend who is an Air Force pilot who was supposed to fly up on this Thursday through Sunday to visit me before I was originally supposed to leave on the 17th, and now I have to call him and tell him it's a no-go only two days prior. I also wanted to ship with the other girl I was supposed to from my RSS on the 17th. That's the bad shock, but like I said, there is a good shock too. I feel like this is finally going to happen, my going to boot. Hopefully I will make it off of that island with my EGA, and leaving ealier means getting that EGA earlier most likely too

    I am just so full of all of these emotions right now I hope I am clearly explaining myself to everyone, although I am most likely not from being as sick as I am, the grogginess from the meds, and the fact I am kind of crying over here. I just wanted to let everyone know what the deal is. Also, PLEASE do not think that because I have the "bad" shock along with the good that I am not motivated or I'm trying to find some way out of this. It's just the shock of getting huge news thrust upon you like this and having really no advanced warning, you know what I mean? My mind was mentally prepared for the 17th , not the 05th, although I am going to have to seriously adjust that within the next 24 hours LOL.

    I just really want to thank everybody here for their words of wisdom, support, laughs and advise. I have told so many other poolees at my RSS to without a doubt come onto the forum and join up I know I would really be nowhere near as knowledgeable as I am without the information and help I have received here. Plus everybody here in general is just awesome I am going to miss you all SO much, but I am going to try my best and give it my ALL and then some to come back with that EGA!

  2. #2
    Marine Friend Free Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Good luck with that, hope everything goes well.

  3. #3
    Marine Free Member GySgtRet's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
    Stafford Va


    Now that you have a clear path ahead and your dates have been set I can understand the shock...!!!! completely. This only 13 days early. I can also understand you wanting to be completely ready but you know what? You are ready so go for it girl. To go with a buddy isn't really all it is cracked up to be you will probably meet each other after Parris Island anyway. I can tell that you are still motivated for the simple fact that you are letting us all know when you are leaving. I don't know where you are shipping from but recent weather isn't too bad in South Carolina. You will spend Christmas and New Years along with all of the other recruits past and present. I think you will be fine especially since your lung calapse and your recovery. Try not to take so many meds the day before you ship try and wein yourself as best that you can. Good luck and come back with the EGA.

  4. #4
    Thats crazy haha I think anyone would be shocked but get unsick wicked fast. GOODLUCK!

  5. #5
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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    Atlanta, GA
    Honey, you're going to do fine. It would be a shock to me too - don't worry - just get your $h!t together and give it your all on your Christmas Island vacation - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  6. #6
    Whoa! That's awesome!! You are ready, so go there and kick some butt! Get well fast... Good luck and come back with that EGA.

  7. #7
    ASPIRIN! MIDOL! TYLENOL! WATER! GO! GO! GO! oh man don't be sick on your shipdate

    seriously,stay MOTIVATED! keep thinking about how proud your friends and family will be when you stand up there,on graduation day with that EGA pinned on your shirt.keep that image in your head,and NOTHING can stop you.

    Good luck and godspeed! you'll be 1 month in by the time i get there

  8. #8
    Try a product called Airborn ?sp? Good luck girl. Have a Merry Christmas on the Island ROFLMAO

  9. #9
    Good luck RockSteady. I just got back from MEPS and the guy I roomed with is getting shipped out Monday. He just enlisted and they are sending him out with super short notice.

    I wish you well and want to hear some good stories when you get back.

  10. #10
    Wow, thank you SO much for the understanding and well wishes everyone. It really means a lot to me, you have no idea. I'm really glad to see that you all understand where I am coming from with the "apprehensive shock" upon hearing that I had less than two days before I am now supposed to ship! I still have yet to call my friend AF pilot Clint (who was supposed to visit me and fly up to NJ) and tell him the bad news...I am dreading that :-( I am still absolutely wicked excited about leaving, but I'm just a bit upset because I wanted and NEEDED that two weeks to improve my run time, work on my arm hang, and lose the 12 pounds I needed to. I did NOT want to be put in the PCP, but it looks like it will probably end up happening, although do NOT get me wrong, I will work my arse off and then some to try to pass it!

    Cwalling - I will most certainly be sick on Wednesday, my new ship date. I felt this coming up on me Friday when I was at PT with my recruiter, and it has busted out big time - vomiting, coughing, sniffling, watery and incredibly irritated eyes, hot flahes (and I'm no where near menopausal yet! LOL sorry for the bad joke, just had to laugh :-), headaches, fatigue, bloat, all of that glamour. And it usually takes a week or a little longer for things like this to subside. Sooooo...I'll be saying hello to Paradise Island with my laryngitis already acquired, so I'll be ahead of the game! I am trying my damnedest to stay motivated, although on such short notice it is tough, but it is working. This is what I have wanted for about 15 of my soon-to-be 22 years of life, to call myself a "Marine", so I am trying to keep that as my mantra.

    Marine84 - Thanks you so much for understanding! I was so shocked at my recruiter after he said when I was supposed to leave now that I quite literally said nothing but in my ill and raspy voice back, "What?". That was it. I'm sure it must have seemed like those AT&T commercials where the poor connection cuts off and makes a conversation go south ASAP...except there was no signal problem! I will give it my all to try and do my best, but I still feel I will be put in the PCP. But I'll be damned if I will without one helluva fight to avoid it first!

    GySgtRet - Thank you so much for your support and your insights. I was really afraid some might see my post and saying how I was "good and bad" shocked as my not being motivated or my trying to find a way out. That could not be further from the truth whatsoever! I have wanted this for so long, and I felt like my time was approaching, and I was using it wisely to train and study as much as I could, as well as use a 15000 calorie a day diet to get rid of the weight. That's why I needed until the 17th, just besides having my mind ready to leave on the 17th. I feel like it's almost cruel in a way to go from 17 December to not even having two days before I ship in a way, if that makes sense. I have a couple things that I needed to take care of with my job and all before I left and now I can't do it, but oh well. Getting that EGA and earning the title "Marine" is more important to me than that...but I wanted that time to prepare to ensure my success, at least physically, if that makes sense. I am trying to wean myself off of the meds, as my cough medicine has Vicodin in it, and I don't really want that to show up on my drug tests down at PI LOL.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH, to everyone here on this forum - I think I would be in twenty times worse shape if I had not come onto this site and this same situation ended up occurring, I have told as many poolees at my RSS as well as all the recruiters at my RSS about this place and how much it helps to make connections and help poolees get the best info and moto to get that EGA. Although my "Referral" tally says 0, I know of at least 5 people I got on here, and they all love it too. I will miss you all to death, but I do not intend to leave that island without my EGA, no matter how long it takes! :-)

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Coup
    Try a product called Airborn ?sp? Good luck girl. Have a Merry Christmas on the Island ROFLMAO
    I tried it; never usually works for me. It's weird - it takes a LOT for me to ever get sick (the last time I even got just a cold was three years ago at least), but when I do it likes to taunt me in the fact that nothing really works on me other than Rx antibiotics, and this is one of those cases where it's viral, so therefore antibiotics don't work, whoop-dee-frickin'-doo LOL.

    I will try to enjoy both my 22nd birthday on 20 December as well as Christmas all crammed into the same week. Over there at MCRD PI I'm sure they'll have a huge party for me LOL j/k.

  12. #12
    Marine Free Member davblay's Avatar
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    Sparta, Tn
    Good luck Rocksteady, God Speed! You will do fine, Failure is not an option! Work hard and get that title!

  13. #13
    Thank you Cpl., I definitely will put in 110%, although I know at times that will never be good enough for my DIs nor for me most likely either. I have your address yet...might I still be able to write you? :-)

  14. #14
    Guest Free Member
    Alright Holly, time to go! Start clearing your mind and get some good sleep if you can. The physical part of Boot Camp is only part of it. Never Quit! That's what we look for in a Recruit.

    Grit your teeth and reach for that raw guts determination when times get hard. Seeya back soon.

  15. #15
    Good luck! and Happy early birthday and have a merry xmas!

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