Received this from Phantom Blooper............

Family and Friends, I have another request for you if you would take the time to do it. Please print out my attached letter to the CSAC and send it off to the Washington,D.C. address before the first of April. If you would like you can make your own letter to send. I am also asking that you send this letter attachment to all that you feel will send it off to Washington. I as always appreciate your time and help with this effort. Thanks!! Semper-Fi!! "Never Forget"

Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee

US Postal Service

475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 5670

Washington, D.C. 20260-2437

Dear Citizens’Stamp Advisory Committee:

On October 23,1983 at approximately 6:20 am a truck laden with over 12,000 pounds of explosives detonated in the BLT 1/8 headquarters barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. The result of this explosion was 241 U.S. Marines, Sailors and Soldiers killed. Hundreds were also wounded or disabled. Other servicemen from 1982-1984 perished from sniper fire and other atrocities. Others died many years later from the results of their service. This makes a total of 270 Marines, Sailors and Soldiers who died.

For more than ten years now family, friends and comrades of the Beirut victims have lobbied the United States Postal Service to have a commerative stamp issued to honor these fallen heroes. Despite tireless efforts and petitions with thousands of signatures, a stamp has yet to be issued. With the 20th anniversary less than a year away time is running out.

Supporters in the past have been told that the events in “Beirut lacked significance in American history and not enough people were killed.” This assertion is untrue and simply inaccurate. Family and friends in 36 states across the U.S. have lost loved ones in Beirut, Lebanon 1982-1984. One life lost in a terrorist act, is one life to many.

As the situation in the world changes to fight the “War on Terror” since 9/11. It should be duly noted this is because of the blood lost and the experience gained in Beirut, Lebanon 1982-1984. The United States first “War on Terror.”

I respectfully request that you work closely with the Postmaster General to see that a commerative stamp in honor and remembrance of the victims and the peacemakers of the Beirut conflict is issued. It is clear that the issuance of such a stamp is warranted.


