Scout Snipers
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Thread: Scout Snipers

  1. #1

    Scout Snipers

    My nephew wants to follow in my footsteps and join the Marine Corps. He wants to become a sniper and I am looking for any active duty snipers that might be interested in writing to him and giving him some guidance. If anyone is interested, they can reply to me. Semper Fi

  2. #2
    one of my best friends is a sniper in the corps.

    You must be able to shoot( expert boot camp scores and at soi)

    you must be of sound mental/moral and financial status

    if things have not changed too much(since i was in lol 2000/2001) you can get selected out of SOI or in the fleet as a grunt or take the indoc

    (1) Must have a minimum GT Score of 100 or higher.
    (2) Must be currently qualified as an expert rifleman.
    (3) Possess all the essential qualifications and capabilities of an infantry Marine.
    (4) Must have vision correctable to 20/20 in both eyes. Color blindness is discouraged.
    (5) Must have a current First Class PFT.
    (6) Have no history of mental illness. (7) Must be eligible to receive a secret security classification

  3. #3
    I believe the required GT score is higher now. I think 110 unless it was changed.

  4. #4
    It Is 110 I Just Got Out Of The Corps In May Of 2010 I Was In Sta From 2006-2010

  5. #5

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