Psychopolitics, Joe Six-Pack, and the Crocodile
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    Cool Psychopolitics, Joe Six-Pack, and the Crocodile

    Psychopolitics, Joe Six-Pack, and the Crocodile
    Written by Linda Kimball
    Thursday, July 14, 2005

    Not too many years ago, Americans had never heard of sensitivity training, and if a facilitator of it tried to convince them that they needed to be conditioned with it, he would have been told, very quickly and in no uncertain terms, to take a hike. Yet step by careful step, sensitivity training began to be stealthily inserted into our society. Today, Americans simply submit to it without much thought, let alone any protest.

    In a recent column entitled, “Pavlov’s Dogs versus the Spirit of Truth and Freedom,” I detailed how progressive (communist) homosexual operatives had successfully brainwashed a large percentage of Americans into accepting deviant sex as normal even though it has always, throughout history, been deemed socially destructive. In that article, I referred to brainwashing (psychopolitics) as “command and control” liberalism. The Communist Textbook of Psychopolitics defines brainwashing as, “…the art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals…and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through mental healing.” As a result, people who engage in such sex have not only been designated as a “special rights” group but are also obnoxiously demanding various rights predicated on nothing more than the sex practices in which they engage. This gives clear evidence of just how successful brainwashing is.

    Global communists are determined to seize control of the world’s wealth and political power. This necessitates absolute control over all mankind. Absolute control is being acquired through psychopolitics--the conditioning and psychological manipulation of the spirits and minds of all human beings. This then, is why sensitivity training has entered into the mainstream of both American and world society through the offices of the United Nations, entertainment, schools, and media. Dr. Robert Oppenheimer said “The time may well come…when the powers of (psychological) control…will pose far greater problems than any of the physicists have posed.” Prophetic words.

    In the brainwashing of Americans, it was absolutely vital that they be degraded from ennobled, spiritual beings to soulless animals capable only of brute animal reactions. Why? Because when mankind believes he is created in the image of his Maker, he likewise believes himself possessed of a spirit that will one day ascend into heaven. This fills mankind with hope, which is anathema to the state of nihilistic apathy needed for the success of the communist state. Furthermore, he will believe himself to be a unique individual whose life has value, purpose, and meaning (as opposed to an anonymous unit in an industrialized collective). Belief in the Christian-Judeo God, warns the psycho-textbook, leads men to engage in, “…brave deeds,” when obedience, apathy, submissiveness, and cowardice are the desired traits.

    How successfully have a large portion of Americans been degraded into obedient, cowardly animals? Simply consider the howling packs of “peace activist” Pavlov’s dogs and screaming banshee “peace” organizations like Code Pink and Raging Grannies as evidence of success. “Peace,” by the way, is defined in the psycho-textbook as an absence of opposition to communism. Total surrender, in other words.

    This leads me to Joe Six-Pack, one of the redneck rubes who live in the great flyover that pompous gas-bag leftists love looking down their elongated Pinocchio noses at, and why what he did has them squealing like greased pigs.

    Here is what happened: In the vicinity of Richmond, Virginia, one day recently, a medium-size crocodile mysteriously appeared in a local lake that is a favorite swimming spot. ''Experts,'' the guys in charge of doing all of the thinking, quickly showed up to ''expertly'' assess the situation. Doubtless they were gratified at seeing how the on-lookers were standing around in the proper ''glazed-eyed, slack-jawed, whatever you think is right'' mode. They set some ''expert'' traps, which the wily croc expertly ignored. They ''expertly'' consulted and ''expertly'' pontificated--all to no avail. Days passed and the elusive croc was still on the loose. Enter common sense Joe Six-Pack. He showed up one evening after the experts had gone home. He jumped into his little boat, paddled out to where the crocodile was hanging out, and then…WHACK!...end of problem. To Joe Six-Pack, human life is far more precious than any crocodile’s, therefore it just makes sense and is the right thing to do to protect the lives of men, women, and children, even if that means knocking a crocodile in the head.

    Very predictably, psycho-operatives and their mind-conditioned ''expert'' opinion makers are screaming for Joe’s head. They want Joe jailed for up to seven years and fined one-hundred thousand dollars. A poll conducted by a local news channel showed that nearly half of the respondents favor punishing Joe for daring to kill a predatory critter, which just goes to show how successfully their minds have been conditioned. The success of the mind-conditioners is glaringly apparent in light of the fact that Richmond, Virginia, has the unpleasant distinction of being the murder capitol of the South.

    It’s a measure of how submissive and obedient Americans have become when not only do they respond to sensitivity training as they were meant to, but likewise allow experts to manage their lives and do their thinking for them. The psycho-textbook advises that once a man has become degraded, it becomes easy to train him: “Just as a dog can be trained, so can a man be trained.” The text continues: “The cleverness of our psychopolitical attack…is adequate to avoid the understanding of the laymen and…stupid officials.”

    Americans, having been conditioned and seduced into believing that they are but soulless animals lacking any particular worth, are now facing the consequences of accepting that deceptive belief. Communists are forcefully pushing forward their social justice and fairness agenda--not on behalf of the soulless human animal, but on behalf of the ''non-person animal.'' With each instance of a human animal losing his job, home, land, and rights because of spotted owls, crocodiles, bugs, eagles, and wet spots in the ground, equality is being achieved between the human animal, the non-person animal, and the environment. Soon, “common good” will be stretched to cover non-human animals and the environment, and the USSC decision “Kelo versus City of New London” will be seen for what it is: an axe hanging over our necks.

    The psycho-textbook emphatically states “If you would have obedience you must have no compromise with humanity. Man is an animal…He understands only those things a brute understands…The optimum obedience is unthinking obedience.” This should make it ominously clear why America’s communists have been creating a ''class'' society where none had previously existed in America, for they are planning on being the elite class--our master class.

    T.S. Eliot warned “If you will not have God, you should pay your respects to Hitler and Stalin.” Or perhaps Comrade Hillary?

    About the Writer: Linda Kimball is a writer and author of numerous articles and essays on culture, politics, and world view. Linda receives e-mail at


  2. #2
    Marine Free Member LivinSoFree's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Quantico, VA

    This is a joke, right?

    In a recent column entitled, “Pavlov’s Dogs versus the Spirit of Truth and Freedom,” I detailed how progressive (communist) homosexual operatives had successfully brainwashed a large percentage of Americans into accepting deviant sex as normal even though it has always, throughout history, been deemed socially destructive. In that article, I referred to brainwashing (psychopolitics) as “command and control” liberalism. The Communist Textbook of Psychopolitics...
    Belief in the Christian-Judeo God, warns the psycho-textbook, leads men to engage in, “…brave deeds,” when obedience, apathy, submissiveness, and cowardice are the desired traits.

    This is a joke right? Some sort of satire? This woman can't possibly be serious.

  3. #3
    Actually, I looked up the name, Linda Kimball, in a search engine, and she has quite a few articles on this matter, and she also is a quite educated being. If you want to 'pick and choose' from some of the things that she says, she is as lucid as many of the liberal articles written in her opposition. She feels that homosexuality, equated with Communism, is the root of the fall of the USA, like debauchery and self enrichment was for the Fall of the Roman Empire. She writes with an over stated passion on her subject, and she is a true zealot to her cause.

    If you remove some of the zeal that she writes with, she does have a message, and she is not joking! She is a true believer! It is easy to ridicule the Zealot for their fervor and to push aside the message that is brought forth.

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