Bit of wit from the Grunt

1. It was common knowledge that many return to Vietnam because they were not able to put up the spit and polish routine of barrack life back in the States after serving in Vietnam, especially in the infantry.
The life of the "Grunt" was one of survival day to day.
Don't get me wrong, we took care of our weapons, personal and weapons organic to an infantry company.
It was just the personal welfare that suffered being in the field for days on end.
Many a day we had little water, to the point that you by-pass dental hygiene and personal appearance, no spit and polish.
So after 13 months of this type of life, it was hard to return to a spit and polish type of life.
Many also sought an out because of the above, others had a drinking or drug problem.
A dishonorable discharge was the only thing that they would get with that type of behavior.
In Vietnam, drinking was not look down as much as back in the States.

2. Last night I was doing some search on World War I Marines, I happen on a site with a link to Marine Historical Museum.
Read several messages and articles from some of Officers of our past.
You could see what made them such great leaders.
Men such as Lieutenant General John A. Lejeune, USMC,
General Alexander A. Vandegrift, USMC,
General David M. Shoup, USMC,
1st. Lt. Clifton Cates USMC,
General Lejeune gave us more than just his Birthday message on the birthday of our beloved Corps.
General Vandergrift speech on "ours is not one of the bended knee" to congress.
General David M. Shoup message of the "swagger stick" was not one specific addressing the "swagger stick", it was a message on the appearance of the uniform.
in fact he only address the "swagger stick" with these last words,
"if you see a need for the "swagger stick" than by all means carry it"
No more had to be said, the "swagger stick" was laid aside by Officers and Non-Commissioned-Officers.
1st. Lt. Clifton Cates USMC message to than Major Thomas Holcomb USMC;
"I have only two men out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." [1st Lt. Clifton B. Cates, USMC; in Belleau Wood, 19 July 1918]
Is part of our history.
Later he and Major Thomas Holcomb were to serve in World War II and as Commandants of the Marine Corps.
Some of our recent Commandants are well quoted in the press and you see why they were chosen as Commandant.
The Nation has been bless by having men such as all the above to look to in a time of need.
Its a pity, that not too many Americans read what these men had to say.
One that I found interesting was General David M. Shoup message on Patriotism, one line was "patriotism" isn't like a suit or uniform that you put on, its something that is in you heart".
Yes, we cannot put on "patriotism" when it suits us or because its a popular to be patriotic.
Such has been a bit of wit from the grunt.
From time to time, more wit will fore-coming!

Semper Fidelis/Semper Fi
"The Grunt" aka MillratUSMC aka Ricardo