Police State USA - Page 3
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  1. #31


    I guess I agree with Toby re:SWAT teams needed to be present to put an end to hostile situations without firing a shot. Lately we had two really nasty gang attacks in the "ghetto". A sweet, gentle mentally challenged man in his 50's was attacked by at least 6 or 8 hoodlums who beat him to death. Throughout the beating this poor soul was clutching his Bible. He never had a chance. A week or so later a 16 year old boy was attacked by a mob of about 8 or more "heroes" who beat him senseless with not only their hands but also large pieces of wood and kicked him when he was on the ground. He was accused of calling another young "man" of being a "fag" according to some of those "heroes". He spent several weeks in the hospital until he came out of a coma and will need extensive surgical repair to his face and jaw. This was a case where someone should have called the police, but, as all too often, nobody wanted to get involved. The usual excuse came up that things like those beatings would probably become rare if there were more opportunities for the youth in the Central city to work off some of their "excess energy" in facilities where they could be taught and monitored by concerned citizens in gyms & meeting rooms where they could do more activities that were not dangerous to innocent civilians. The best thing that could happen would be to have their parents meet with responsible citizens of the community, with their sons & daughters, and work out a plan to get these kids interested in something other than assaulting and robbing inoffensive members of the community. Personally I would suggest having those kids enlist in some military group where they would really get to work off that energy. Not our special Corps...we are "The Proud, The Few, The Marines! Semper Fi!

  2. #32
    We wouldn't need many SWAT teams if people would just lock and load on these scumbags. If you live in a high crime area without a piece then you're stupid. I also believe that the war on drugs has been a colossal failure. You're not going to police it out of existence.

  3. #33
    I know a lot of you are just going to love this- more secret police on our streets. This will start out as anti-terrorist operations, but then it will eventually escalate into putting down dissidents.

    Goss Wants CIA as Domestic Stasi

    Newsweek | August 12 2004

    Rep. Porter Goss, President Bush’s nominee to head the CIA, recently introduced legislation that would give the president new authority to direct CIA agents to conduct law-enforcement operations inside the United States—including arresting American citizens.

    The legislation, introduced by Goss on June 16 and touted as an "intelligence reform" bill, would substantially restructure the U.S. intelligence community by giving the director of Central Intelligence (DCI) broad new powers to oversee its various components scattered throughout the government.

    But in language that until now has not gotten any public attention, the Goss bill would also redefine the authority of the DCI in such a way as to substantially alter—if not overturn—a 57-year-old ban on the CIA conducting operations inside the United States.

    The language contained in the Goss bill has alarmed civil-liberties advocates. It also today prompted one former top CIA official to describe it as a potentially "dramatic" change in the guidelines that have governed U.S. intelligence operations for more than a half century.

  4. #34


    eddief? I know and can understand how ya feel about this almost "WIDE OPEN, DO AS YOU PLEASE, HOMELAND SECURITY ACT." The "PEOPLE" will eventually see what is really going on and will not allow it to happen. All it's goin' to do is take a couple law suits. But, you must remember, there are cells of Al Queda in America somewhere. I'd rather be stopped and checked, as long as they don't go beyond my legal and constitutional rights, than to let a Terrorist, who could look like me, a white male, late 50's, and we have had one, "THE SHOE BOMBER." Don't get too paranoid yet. The American people love their freedom, and won't let the Gov't go to far, believe me. But I enjoyed all your posts.

  5. #35
    I know lots of people feel as if the sky is going to fall but it won't. The American people are smart enough to not allow that to happen. When you look to the possiblilty of "something bad MAY happen", well then just give up on everything.

    Let me make a couple of points: 1)The Patriot Act. Some are screaming that it violates their "civil rights" and give too much power to the Gov. NOONE has made one legitimate claim as to how their rights have been violated, yet you still hear the cry. We already use the same standard for drug dealers and embezzlers, why not for terrorism.

    2) Many cops and feds are prior veterans ( not to take away from non-vets). The same vets as you and I that have stood up for this country and will always stand up for this country. We've defended it before and if our/ or our families liberties are being threatened, do you not think that WE would be the first to raise the flag.

    I hear it all the time: I know my rights- sorry but most people truly don't (too much TV). I know their rights better than they do, and because I do and I protect their rights I don't get sued by some crazy fanatic lawyer trying to make a buck. The fact is cops (all types) work within the law and seldom violate it as they will with this new legislation. Is it too much to ask to allow those same peolple the ability to use whatever resource neccesary to protect citizens of this country. Let me know the next time a cop stops you for no reason and searches you and your stuff. I'd like to hear about it.

  6. #36
    Eddief,I do not feel that increased police patrols in major met areas (targets) is athreat on anyones rights .It my get worse. thats the reality of the threat.The sky is not falling.There are a lot of people that could use some watching.Thats my oppinion.I would not get pariniod.(spelling) opps

  7. #37
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Seminole County
    Quote Originally Posted by CAR

    I hear it all the time: I know my rights- sorry but most people truly don't (too much TV).
    Brother, ain't that the truth. I don't know how many times I was told about "rights" that don't exist. My favorites are the "Constitutional right" to a phone call, or if an officer doesn't read Miranda Rights, it becomes a "false arrest."

  8. #38
    Guest Free Member
    Good one David! A timely and relevant blast from the past!

    Someone brought up earlier more public police cams on street corners. That sounds like a good passive security measure. Aren't cameras widely used in the UK? It seems to be working fine for them, no protests from the Brits on invasion of privacy.

  9. #39
    eddief- Okay, we'll get rid of all the SWAT teams. Then, the next time there's a Columbine school situation, or a Hollywood robbery with AK-47's and body armour, we'll just send in Barney Fife. Remember him? Carries one bullet....in his shirt pocket.
    Then, would you feel like we had less of a police state?

    In the past 20 or so years, America has grown away from the Mayberry RFD mindset, and is now closer to the "Escape From New York" mindset. Our law enforcement needs to change with the times, or be left in the dust.

    For more than a century, London 'Bobbies' carried only nightsticks and whistles. Now, they ALL carry weapons. Times change.

  10. #40
    You'd better check this SWAT thing out - MOST ALL metropolitan area Police Depts have SWAT Teams!!!!! Most of our Counties here in Missouri have SWAT Teams!!!!
    Just think, we have communities here in the good ole USA where you have the police in paramilitary gear ALL THE TIME!!!!
    We can thank the aclu for most of the crap and rights for the murders, rapists, perverts, etc. I compare the aclu to dog **** - it needs to be put down the sewer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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