ADD Meds 6 years ago and still can't join?
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    ADD Meds 6 years ago and still can't join?

    I've been trying to enlist in the Marine Corps for about one and a half years now. I've made good friends with the recruiters. They're basically family! I took medication about 6 years ago for ADD, I took this medicine, "Adderall" for about a year. I took this medication in Middle school. I didn't do well in High School, but I did graduate and I received my diploma.

    I scored a 59 on my ASVAB.

    I told MEPS about the medication the first time I went, and I got sent home without swearing in. I did not write this on the paperwork I filled out before going to MEPS. I was told not to do so. Since then the Navy Bureau of Medicine has requested things from me, and I have done everything asked of me which is the following:

    • Acquired 4 letters from past teachers describing my performance and ability to focus on and complete assigned tasks. (The letters I got were great, and were proof I could complete tasks assigned to me!)
    • I got a a doctors note from the doctor that diagnosed me with ADD, saying I don't have ADD anymore. nor do I exhibit any symptoms of it.
    • All my medical records

    First time I went to MEPS, I was underweight. I weighed in at 137 Lbs at 6"1

    Since then I have PT'd by myself and with the Marine Corps recruiters at PT sessions held twice a week. My weight is now 155 LBS.

    My IST scores:

    19 Pull-ups
    98 Crunches
    9:40 1.5 Miles run

    I know my knowledge and can repeat it upon command in formation.

    My Bu-Med just got denied, and now my recruiter is saying to get a Psychiatric Evaluation and so far I've heard that those take multiple sessions. Also they cost upwards of $150-200 a visit.

    Why am I being given so much trouble trying to enlist? I've gone through so much and I'm ready to leave. What is the next step besides a Psychiatric Evaluation?


    Kyle Cooper

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  2. #2
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Seminole County
    I don't know why BuMed does what BuMed does. Neither does almost anyone else.

    I do know that the military is worried about the rising trend in troop and vet suicides, so that could have something to do about it. My guess is the military would rather drive you crazy themselves then have you come in already nuts. Same with hearing and other things.

  3. #3
    BuMed is not concerned with how much you've gone through (many have gone through worse). That's not their job. Their job is to determine if you're healthy enough to serve.

    As far as the next step. Your recruiter knows your particular situation, we don't (other than what you outlined). My advice is to follow their instructions if you can afford it. Understand, there are no guarantees any of this will ever change BuMed's findings. You may jump through more hoops, spend a lot of money, continue to spin your wheels, and still be turned down. You have to decide how much more you want to fight BuMed, not knowing how that fight will turn out.

    Good luck.

  4. #4

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