Enlisting Process Help
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  1. #1

    Enlisting Process Help

    I am currently talking to a recruiter to sign up and we have gotten to taking the ASVAB test and sending the prescreening to meps.

    I met up with him one day to take the the test to see if I would pass and check about my school stuff. I have scars from back when I used to self harm when I was 10 years old. He never noticed the scars but during the prescreening questions a few days ago he passed the question about scars and he asked for pictures of them when I told him I had some. I didn't want to lie and I have been fighting really hard to get into the Marine Corps, it's something I have wanted to do since I was 16.
    When he got the pictures he freaked out but they aren't that bad (I made sure he would be able to see them in the pictures by using a flashlight) and everyone I know that sees me in shorts all the time also don't understand why he freaked out because you can barely tell they are there unless you are really close to me and are looking for them.
    I have started to put fading cream on them. But he said he doesn't want me to keep moving forward in the process until they are more faded or gone. They also would be covered by all issued clothing.

    I have not been on any medications and I never had to visit a counselor or anything. I just realized that when I was about 12 that if I kept doing what I was I wouldn't have a future anywhere. I am not self harming and have no urge to do it. I currently am working at a restaurant and have an active lifestyle, I'm happy with life.

    Would I be able to get a waiver for the scars or do I need to just keep applying the cream and see if they fade? I just don't understand why they would hold me back when it was from years ago and I was just a kid...

    Any advice would be great. Thank you.

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  2. #2
    There is no waiver for self harming.

    No amount of clothes can cover the scars because the docs at MEPS look you over while you are naked. They are trained to look for scars and see if they match what's on your prescreen.

    The only way you'll be able to enlist is if the scars are gone.

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