Field Radio Operator
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  1. #1
    Marine Family Free Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Field Radio Operator

    This is my first time posting on here and I’m not sure it’s the rightforum but I’d like a little advice, from an experienced Marine, if possible.

    I’m a Navy Veteran and I hadn’t had too much exposure to the MarineCorps in my time on active duty (my ships didn’t carry Marines). I met my late husband in the Navy so we were abit surprised when our son declared he wanted to become a Marine.

    In any event, he initially was going into Infantry. I was able to dissuadehim; instead he chose Communication. I just found out he will be a Field RadioOperator and some of my concerns about him going into Infantry have resurfaced evenstronger. As I understand it, as a Field Radio Operator there is a good chancethat he will be attached to an Infantry unit. So, not only will he be in a “target”unit, as the communications person, won’t he be THE unit target? What I meanis, strategically, will an enemy actively seek out the Radioman? I already haveone folded flag on my mantel (my late husband’s). I’m more than a little panickedabout this proposition. I can only pray he gets attached to some CIC (or it’sUSMC equivalent).

    Any information anyone has would be very much appreciated. I apologize forbeing so negative. I am very proud of my son and I really am happy he’sfollowing his dream. I just wish his dream were a little safer.

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  2. #2
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
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    Chaos, Massachusetts
    Quote Originally Posted by NAVetMoM View Post

    I apologize forbeing so negative.
    I am very proud of my son and I really am
    happy he’sfollowing his dream.

    I just wish his dream were a little safer.
    You said it well, and you'll worry anyway.
    Gods' speed woman.

  3. #3
    RTO's are spread throughout the Corps, and encompass all facets of the Marine Corps' "combined arms" philosophy... he could be with an Infantry Division, an Air Wing, an Artillery or "mechanized" unit, and he could be in a support unit..... "comm" is an excellent field in which to get experience in everything the Corps does, if one stays long enough... as for those glorious grunts of our infantry divisions, all I can say is that in my experience, once you show those guys that YOU are top notch as a RTO, can quickly and effectively call in MEDEVACS, RESUPPLIES, ARTY and AIR strikes, they will do everything in their power to protect YOU, after all, you are their lifeline.... I gave 30 to the Corps, and would have given more if they had let me, ALL in communications, starting as a Field Radio Operator, and ending as a Communications Chief, it was ALL good..... God Bless Marine Mother, may your son be the best RTO in the Corps, we need as many as we can get.....

  4. #4
    I was in the communications field in an infantry battalion so I worked closely with RO's. As far as the life of a RO in an infantry battalion goes, the vast majority fall under headquarters company (We had about 30-40 ROs at any given time, and only 2-3 went to each line company), and thus will stay back with the command element in the rear. The only ROs to go to the line companies were those that volunteered and showed they were very proficient as they were expected to train the grunts as well.

    My battalion never deployed to a combat zone when I was in, but we did have a company that did. The ROs that went with them did regularly go on patrols and did see combat.

  5. #5
    Was a FROC myself, with Tanks and Amphibs. Didn't deploy to combat, but those Tanks and Amphibs are definitely front line stuff.

  6. #6
    Guest Free Member
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    No sense over thinking it. It shall be what it shall be.
    I'm a Comm Marine. If you look at my profile you can see what units I was with.

    I am still here. I am a Marine as well as my fellow Brothers and Sisters. We take care of each other...

    God Bless, Prayers Outbound.....

  7. #7
    Marine Family Free Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Thank you all, your words mean a lot.

    M son has as helped. He just tells me that I need to trust him and his ability.

  8. #8
    Guest Free Member
    Quote Originally Posted by NAVetMoM View Post
    Thank you all, your words mean a lot.

    M son has as helped. He just tells me that I need to trust him and his ability.
    And that is what Marines tell Mom's...

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