I have a car
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Thread: I have a car

  1. #1

    I have a car

    I have a car and a note and I leave for Parris Island in October. My question is, what would yall recommend I do with it when I get back? I hear you won't be using your car or shouldn't have one the first few months. I'd just like an opinion from someone experienced.

  2. #2
    Not sure if you will see this, but if you have a car and the money to make the payments while you're at boot (which hopefully you do) then set up auto payments so the money is automatically taken out. Once you get out of boot you'll go to MCT/SOI depending on your MOS. When I was in the school house we weren't allowed to have POV's, but once you get orders to your first duty station (the mythical fleet) then you will able to get your vehicle. So if you can make the payments while you're gone I would hang onto it.

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