Questionable decisions, lead to questions.
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  1. #1

    Questionable decisions, lead to questions.

    Short and sweet to the point, the less back story the better.

    1. Can i be ORDERED to go to NMCRS and create a budget.

    2. Can members of my chain of command run a credit check on me without my authorization or knowing?

    Any help will be appreciated, thank you ahead of time. If this isn't in the right section please let me know, i'm new to the site. thanks

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  2. #2
    Would help if we knew what NMCRS is.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    I can't be 100% accurate but I would like to think yes to the budget and no to the credit check. But they can probably open an investigation if they feel you have become financially wreckless and a liability to the Corps. The investigators will certainly be able to search your credit. Best bet is to remedy any situations before it gets that bad.

  5. #5
    Easy answer - make an appointment at base legal and ask a lawyer (don't rely on us sea lawyers here).

    Don't remember ever running a credit check on anybody but I had plenty of my Marines make budgets and bring their balanced checkbooks into me to show they were following them. Don't know about your situation, but these were generally junior Marines with multiple dependents and creditors calling the command for relief. If that indeed describes your situation best advice I can give to you is get it squared-away NOW. Things will only go from bad-to-worse. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Guest Free Member
    Yes to both but I believe you have to be made aware of the credit check. It's as easy as running a background/security check on you which your command is able to do. Like Cpl1142 pointed out, they would have no reason to do so unless you are having some sort of financial issues

    So....the question now is, how many allotments do you have? and how much debt are you in?

  7. #7
    Better yet Sgt, perhps he should tell us how much debt your "friend" has or how many allotments your "friend" might have? LOL.

    Best bit of advice, be up front, own up to what you may havedone, seek assistance, and accept the consequences. At the same time, don’t runaround raising red flags about yourself. If you are barely getting by then getby and work towards getting yourself in a better situation. Seek help if it’sbad enough. Funny thing about the Corps is if you ask for help, no harm nofoul, but if you get caught then that’s your six. But if you are a PFC ridingaround in a corvette, don’t even stress NCIS is already watching you. LOL

  8. #8
    I don't have any allotments personally, I handle my issues on a big boy level (meaning I live within my means). Its rather a fellow junior marine is pending charges unrelated to financial neglect and a full credit history somehow fell into posession of the plt Sgt/oic. He didn't authorize use of his information for a credit history

  9. #9

    It would definitely be an answer his lawyer can give him.And if need be his lawyer can look into it. I dunno how yall operate but in myunits with NJP you are charged and immediately brought to legal to get alawyer. Even if they are trying to burn you they wanna make sure they use theright fire!

  10. #10
    Your "friend" needs to lawyer-up quick. He is in somebody's crosshairs.

  11. #11
    And FORGET about filing a complaint against your command accessed your records illegally...unless you want to stand guard in Fairbanks, Alaska for the term of your enlistment.

  12. #12
    Back in the day you could always ask for orders to the Nam, surely there is something similar today.

  13. #13
    Guest Free Member
    "The less back story the better". Hmmm.

  14. #14
    the whole thing is suspect. the OP is good with money yet he is being made to do a budget and see the navy marine corps relief society because a junior marines credit history just happened to fall into the hands of his plt sgt... Does any bit of that make even the remotest sense?

    Do you have a clearance? If the answer is yes which most marines do have some sort of clearance sometimes it just isnt high so being you have a clearance or may have a higher one yes i could see them running a credit check if it was really your credit history that fell into their hands.

    And yes they can make you create a budget its called personal financial management worksheet, I have seen entire platoons have to do one because of someones **** up.

    im still going with this sounds suspect.

  15. #15
    There is more to this story than we'll ever know for sure.

    Give partial info - get partial answers.

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