Confederate flags banned from City Cemetery in Jacksonville
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  1. #1

    Confederate flags banned from City Cemetery in Jacksonville

    Our new Marine Corps League chapter in Jacksonville has made the news.

    I'm fine with honoring Confederate Veterans that died a hundred years ago, if that's the way they want to spend their time and money.

    That said, this honor does not have to proclaim, "I'm an ignorant redneck who does not care if what I do offends anyone else."

    Just because these backwood hillbillies ride around with a rebel flag slapped on their truck does not mean the Confederate Flag is not offensive to many people.

    The Confederate Flag is seen by many as a symbol for racism and white supremacy. These Marines can say whatever they want to justify their reasons for showing it, but that does not change the connotation and stereotype that follows it.

    The Jacksonville Marine Corps League might as well have stood up and proclaimed, "We love the KKK!"

    This conduct is offensive and unbecoming. Someone from the League (maybe National) should have a talk with this chapter and its officers.

    Article: Confederate flags banned from City Cemetery in Jacksonville

    There is a video in the link above, but here is the text of the report:
    POSTED: Thursday, May 23, 2013 - 7:16pm
    UPDATED: Friday, May 24, 2013 - 8:34am
    TYLER, TX — For Memorial Day, the Marine Corps League in Jacksonville planned to honor confederate veterans at the City Cemetery.

    They wanted to place confederate flags on graves of those who fought for the confederacy, but it's become an issue.

    The Marine League argues confederate veterans are considered American War Veterans.

    They say there are more than 150 confederate veterans here and they want to honor them.

    "We were placing out the flags that there was quite a few confederate graves," says Charles 'Chuck' Bones.

    They were to be placed on graves which had confederate emblems on them.

    "Furnished by our Government, that says CSA, Confederate states of America," says Stephen Hutson.

    "Once we noticed that, I researched to see what we could do honor those veterans," says Charles 'Chuck' Bones.

    He says the U.S.. has a law to honor all U.S. Veterans which includes confederate soldiers.

    The response they're getting from city officials is the 'Rebel Flag' is too controversial, so the city is saying no.

    For some the confederate flag symbolizes racism, hatred and slavery.

    "The confederate flag to me and a lot of other people symbolizes freedom and freedom from tyranny of Northern states of the time that tried to impose taxes excess taxes on the cotton sales," says Charles 'Chuck' Bones.

    Bones says, the flag symbolizes the Southern states being against the U.S. because of the taxes.

    He says, we had slaves in the North and South and someone spun this into a controversial subject.

    "It doesn't matter if it was a confederate veteran or a Northern Veteran, they're still entitled to the same respect as any other veteran as a veteran of WWI, WWII, etc.," says Stephen Hutson.

    KETK contacted The City of Jacksonville officials but they were unavailable to comment.

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  2. #2
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    Chaos, Massachusetts
    DO TELL , JP....
    Vote with your feet.
    Vote with your pocket.

    It's still the First Amendment...

  3. #3
    If they pay for it with their own money - fine.

    This Marine Corps League wants the government to pay for their Confederate flags.

    Also, they try to act like the Confederate flag isn't offensive to anyone. Come on. They should know better than that.

  4. #4
    Sounds like a personal problem to me.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jp2usmc View Post
    If they pay for it with their own money - fine.

    This Marine Corps League wants the government to pay for their Confederate flags.

    Also, they try to act like the Confederate flag isn't offensive to anyone. Come on. They should know better than that.
    Next, I guess you'll say I should remove my State Flag. It has the Bars and Stars in it. Meet me at a NASCAR Race, and I'll let you explain your views to them.

  6. #6
    but its ok to have a US flag on graves of those who fought for the Union and have the Goverment pay for it right the flags are only there for one weekend then taken off... and most of those did not own a slave they fought for their State.. no matter what you say it is part of all of our histroy

  7. #7
    Am I the only one here who feels that a person who displays a Confederate Flag is openly stating they want to go back to having slaves?

  8. #8
    maybe because you are the only one who thinks everyone who flags the Confederate flag whats to go back to slavery.

  9. #9
    It certainly is the case where I live.

  10. #10
    JP. what Marine Corps League Detachment do you belong to? Answer how the Marine Corps League wants the government to pay for Confederate Flags. The League is self substaining. If you are a League Member, have you talked to your Detachment Commandant/Judge Advocate?

  11. #11
    Guest Free Member
    Quote Originally Posted by jp2usmc View Post
    Am I the only one here who feels that a person who displays a Confederate Flag is openly stating they want to go back to having slaves?
    Number one....the Civil War started over states rights. Slavery was just part of it. Most who died for the South never had slaves. Why don't we ban the U.S. flag our troops carried when we killed American Indians, then moved their families to what amounted to interriment camps. Lets do away with our flag because we rounded up Jap. American citizens and took over their land in WW2. You need to get your shet together Marine. You don't strip people of their idenity, just cause YOU 'LL don;t like it.

  12. #12
    When I was stationed there during the early 60's, the locals were proud of their southern heritage and that was their right. It was fashionable among those from the north to accuse them of forgetting that the CW was over but the same could be said of them also. Historically, many black soldiers served the Confederacy out of loyalty to their states. Also, by the time it became apparent that radical reconstruction was a failure in 1876 and Rutherford Hayes was elected president, former Confederates had re-entered the US military and government at all levels. Within twenty years, a Confederate veteran was sitting on the US Supreme Court and three former Confederate generals were corps commanders in the Spanish-American war. Denying our nation's Confederate heritage to future generations is nothing more than a deception.

  13. #13
    Guest Free Member
    Quote Originally Posted by jp2usmc View Post
    It certainly is the case where I live.
    You know what brother......I lived in Whiteoak, right next to you, for a while. I knew many who had Confederate flags, including me......that thinks slavery stinks. You must be in a small select group. We see the Confederate flag as a symbol of our unity....not the beliefs of those who had slaves. Sounds like you're hung up on racism. If we ban everything that offends someone else.....what will we have left?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by jp2usmc View Post
    Am I the only one here who feels that a person who displays a Confederate Flag is openly stating they want to go back to having slaves?
    Looks like you are. What they are really saying is that they want to go back to states rights. 1 thing that I've learned in life is that we get into trouble when we apply our values to everyone else. If you had ever spent any time at all in the south you would understand how foolish your statement is. To many in the south the civil war was not a war to free the slaves, it was a war of northern aggression. Lincoln only freed the slaves as a means to further weaken the south, hoping the slaves would rise up and assist the union - they never did. He did not free the slaves in the north by the way, only in the south.

    Some of my fondest memories are that of being part of southern biker groups and the sight of 20-50 of us wearing all sorts of southern flags and clothing riding through small towns in Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee or Ark. We looked like part of Ol Stonewall's Calvary. And everyone always waved at us, whites, blacks. You see we are all Americans.

    So stop listening to Jesse Jackson, the Rev Al Sharpton and others that spew hate and would have us all do away with our traditions. Just saying.

  15. #15
    Marine Free Member ChuckH's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I am a California boy born and raised, I now live in the North East in CT, never once in my life have I associated the Confederate flag with slavery...

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