03xx to 0621?
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Thread: 03xx to 0621?

  1. #1
    Poolee/DEP Free Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Highland Mills

    03xx to 0621?

    Hello Everyone,
    I wanted to ask something thats come up to me, and I am not too sure about.
    I signed my 03xx contract about a month ago. My fellow Poolees at the station are ripping me (and some raised Recruiter eyebrows) because I did really well on my ASVAB (90). I have an eventual hope to make selection for MARSOC. I have always wanted to be a CSO (operator). I really do not want to have a Desk Job, the reason why I chose infantry to 'get in the action' as it were.
    I started looking at a few MOS's after a deep talk with a former Marine. I want to be Infantry, but I've come to feel that I should be doing something else with my ASVAB.
    0321, Field Radio Operator. They get deployed with Infantry units correct? I saw that this is true on another thread, but wanted to post my own situation to get Marine opinions and suggestions on it.
    I want to do...something infantry, combat - as basic and crazy as that sounds.
    They told me Intel is a desk job so thats why I began looking at Radio.
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Thank you for your service to our Country.

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  2. #2
    Guest Free Member
    Yes 0621's can get attached with an infantry unit, that doesn't mean you will though. You could go to a comm. unit, a logistics unit, anywhere really. If you want to be a grunt then go be a grunt, don't worry about what others say. And don't think you have to pick something "smarter" because you scored high on your ASVAB. A friend of mine is an 0331/Machine Gunner and has a bachelors degree in English from University of Minnesota.

    One thing to keep in mind though is that just because you are a grunt doesn't mean you'll "get in the action" as you put it or see any combat. Especially now with the war winding down in Afghanistan.

  3. #3
    Like the corporal says, unless we get into another shooting war somewhere, your chances of seeing any action diminishes every day as we move to only an advisory role in Afghanistan. As can be seen with the situation in Syria, Congress and the American people do not want us to get involved militarily at the current time (people are tired of war and we can no longer afford it). Just be realistic with yourself and understand you may spend your time in the USMC as a grunt but only training for combat. If in fact it works out this way, there may be a time when you come to regret not having a more technical MOS and learning something that can translate into a high-paying civilian job after you get out (like intel, aviation electronics/mechanic, etc.). You have the option to choose whereas poolees with low GT scores on their ASVAB do not. I'm sure your recruiter has had this discussion with you already so this is nothing new.

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