Five Steps to Release the Kingdom of God Into Your Life


In John 6, we read the story of Jesus feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Maybe you know it, but basically a large crowd was following Jesus, listening to Him teach, and watching Him perform miracles. It got to a point where the people needed to eat, and Jesus asked the disciples what they planned to feed the people.

Of course, Jesus knew the disciples would freak out. They couldn’t feed 5,000 people. In fact, they started talking about how it would take more than half a year’s wages to buy just a bite for that many people.

But Jesus was teaching the disciples how to release the Kingdom into the earth realm, and it’s one we can learn by looking at the steps He took:

  1. Look at what you have.

Jesus asked the disciples what they had to feed the people. What do you have in your life that you can give God to work with? Jesus multiplied bread into bread and fish into fish. What do you need multiplied in your life? Find some of it.
Remember that money can be named. You don’t sow money to believe for paper. Money represents your life and can be named to be the thing you need multiplied.
  1. Make sure you’re in faith.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we don’t see.” You have to know how to judge whether or not you’re in faith.

· When you close your eyes, what do you see? Do you see yourself with the thing you’re believing for?

· Can you defend your position? Why do you believe it? Prove it! Because you can be sure that between the “Amen” and the “There it is!” that the enemy is going to contend it. So, you better be able to defend it.

· Do you have joy, expectancy, and peace?

· Are you in agreement with your wife or husband?
  1. Confess over what you have, and release it in faith.

Be specific. Say exactly what you are believing for and release it to God.
  1. Get the plan from God.

The Holy Spirit will give you new direction, new ideas, and new concepts by revelation. Carry a notepad and a pen. Write everything down.
  1. Act quickly!
When God gives you the plan, MOVE! It’s wise to have counselors and get wisdom, but you need to act swiftly.

- Portions of this article are excerpted from the “Now Revolution 2.0” resource available HERE