What can you take to boot camp?
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  1. #1
    Marine Friend Free Member
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    What can you take to boot camp?

    What should you take to boot camp with you? What will they let you keep? Can you bring a envelopes, pen, paper..ect? Are you allowed to bring a piece of paper with addresses of family of friends on it?

  2. #2
    Last I knew, just the clothes on your body, ID card, social security card(?), $20, and I believe a piece of paper with addresses on it....that's it.
    Everything else will be issued to you.

  3. #3
    Guest Free Member
    small address book, ID/drivers license, social security card, bible, the clothes on your back, recruiters business card. Anything else really will either get thrown out or you'll put it in a box with your civilian clothes that you'll get back at the end of your cycle.

    don't bother bringing envelopes, a pen, or paper. you can get that stuff once you get there and pick up with your platoon. but yes you can bring a piece of paper with addresses on it.

  4. #4
    Marine Free Member Quinbo's Avatar
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    Had to search my brain housing group since trying to use the site search doesn't work.
    Try this thread

  5. #5
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quinbo View Post

    Had to search my brain housing group since trying to use the site search doesn't work.

    ((( Gee Sgt... seems like an old complaint , on the "New Look" )))

    somebody's looking for site problems and complaints aren't they ?

    Try this thread

    The less you take,
    the less you end up loosing..


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Quinbo View Post
    Had to search my brain housing group since trying to use the site search doesn't work.
    Try this thread
    That post is 6 years old and may need to be updated.

  7. #7
    Marine Free Member Quinbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tennessee Top View Post
    That post is 6 years old and may need to be updated.
    This thread probably needs updating also.

  8. #8
    BE THE ONE!!! who takes more than what is being suggested to you.
    What you have been recommended to bring is what you bring, your recruiter should of told you what to and what not to bring.

    To say again what is needed:
    -Clothes on your back
    -20 dollars
    -Social and ID card
    -maybe an adress book

    Anything more is just waste, because your are going to buy or be issued everything you need.

    Best of luck!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by BrandonLehr View Post
    To say again what is needed:
    -Clothes on your back
    -20 dollars
    -Social and ID card
    -maybe an adress book
    Make sure the clothes on your back are presentable, something you would wear to church. Collared shirt, belt, decent shoes (sneakers are ok), jeans. Nothing Overly flashy.

    You don't need the 20 bucks, that's only for your use for traveling to buy something if you have to. You will deposit it when you sign up for a bank almost as soon as you get there. However, they will give you a check to pay for your food at the airport so its pointless. Also, you'll get a box chow when you get to the airport in SC.

    Definitely need your Social and photo ID. You can have your parents mail you a list of family members and their addresses in their first letter just to keep your items to a minimum. You don't even need a wallet.

  10. #10
    Subsum44 is pretty spot on. You can try to bring a small book of stamps in your address book, but there's a good chance they'll get lost in the mix when they dump your trash everywhere in receiving. Also, don't wear a wifebeater or a white t-shirt. These are considered undergarments in the Marine Corps, and as soon as you step on the bus you'll be expected to meet those standards.

    Finally, go ahead and stuff your face at the airport. You won't get to again for quite some time.

    (Edit) For the love of God, don't wear a moto t-shirt.

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