Combat Support?
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Thread: Combat Support?

  1. #1

    Combat Support?

    What jobs or mos fall under Combat Support? I know of Artillery Tanks and AAV is there anything else? Please ONLY Marines and former Marines answer this

  2. #2
    Combat engineers... you know the longer Im on this site some stuff just irks me. Google "Combat support mos" surprise at least 5 questions about this on straight of the bat. Don't the rules state to research? Can't really complain though you'll learn initiative.

  3. #3
    ALL MOS are in support of the Grunt, from the cook to Aviator.


  4. #4
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Chaos, Massachusetts
    Quote Originally Posted by Tookie22 View Post
    you know
    the longer Im on this site
    some stuff just irks me.

    "Combat support mos"
    at least 5 questions about this on straight off the bat.
    Don't the rules state to research?
    Can't really complain though
    you'll learn initiative.
    Carefull tookie,

    "They" dont like you to yell
    loudly at the children on here.

    Don't dress them down,
    Don't belittle them,
    Don't make them cry.

    Pat them on the head gently and
    give'um three Attaboys.....

  5. #5
    I agree M14. Maybe I'm getting old and losing patience. Sometimes I feel like a gang "tagger" answering nonsense.

    BTW if you used to handle M14, you're one of the lucky ones. Grunts on Hills 881 N&S were less fortunate. Their M16's jammed.


  6. #6
    With all do respect i'm not your typical whinny little kid that joined. I joined the USMC because i wanted something hard i don't want anything handed to me. I want be a Marine. I want to EARN that title. Yelling and being stern does not bother me at all. That comes with the Marines. An i have researched but most people don't know what Combat Support is they think its like Admin and its not I believe that's Combat Service Support. I thought maybe I could get a direct honest answer iv tried just about every website that's why I listed the jobs i did i was asking if there were anymore maybe I hadn't found. But thanks for the answer. An thank you for your service.

  7. #7
    Anthony -- we old salts are pulling your chain so our apologies if we cue balled you around. The official Marine Corps site, your recruiters and even Google may help you better than us --- hem, Vietnam vets. Yours is a legitimate question which requires more than a simple answer than a summary dismissal. Good luck on your career in the Corps. And thank YOU for your service to the Corps.


  8. #8
    I appreciate it, an I also apologize if i came off as a hot head i just didnt want you Marines to think im some kind of punk because i respect the hell out of all of you.

  9. #9
    Im serious the combat support contract include arty aavs and combat engineers. the 3 mos fields are 0800, 1800, 1300 respectively. Its what I thought about doing until I saw what else comes with 13xx

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