What to expect/How to
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  1. #1

    Question What to expect/How to

    My name is Noah, I'm 17 years old and a junior in highschool. I plan on joining the Marines after graduation and going into the DEP program my senior year.
    I have done plenty of reading (over the last 3 years) Im looking to try and get either Combat Engineering, Intel. Specialist, or something dealing with aviation mechanics. I scored a 80 on my ASVAB (highschool version) and have already called the recruiter however he says we cant really talk untill around the end of this school year. What is my projected future if i get selected for these MOS's also (if you know or have the extra time) if the Corps need something else in the ##XX (MOS's above) what is the strongest other MOS they could change me to (basted on what the corps needs, for instance if the're arent any slots left for Combat enginerring 1371 and they change me to a different 13XX).
    Next question; I know it's my decision but how can I break this to my parents. My parents aren't exactly supportive of the military or of the war. They constantly heckle me with college and shun anything else. It's not that i don't do well in school its just college isn't right for me, not yet and im 100% sure of that. This is a "i'll take you out of the will" senario. I want to earn the title Marine, I want to feel like I earned something in my life. Almost everything in my life has been given to me. Regardless i'm joining i just want to know how to tell them.
    I'm jammed for time at the moment i just wanted to get this posted, i'll check it up later. Thanks for all the answers they really help.
    Thanks for your service and good luck to any other future Marines

    Noah Estey

  2. #2
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Seminole County
    Noah, you're going to have to expand your profile so we have a better idea who we're talking with.

  3. #3
    Noah, you also PM'd me with a question pertaining to running. I cannot help you with that at this time but will give you a couple tips.

    If you are having breathing difficulties, I recommend you speak to your parents about seeing a doctor. As far as running, search the internet. There exists a multitude of good resources and training programs. Embark on no exercise program until medically cleared.

    If you desire further information, post a thread in the Ask a Marine forum after you read this: http://www.leatherneck.com/forums/sh...d.php?t=103170

  4. #4
    Hey Noah,

    Once you are 18, you are a legal adult and it doesn't matter what Mommy and Daddy think any more. You get to blaze your own path.

    Zulu wants a profile filled out, but I understand you are pressed for time when you did this.

    I don't know what MOS4429 is talking about. Are you overweight? Do you have asthma?

    If your parents are going to disown you for living the life you want, better to find out now and be your own man that to live the rest of your life under their shoe. It is called Freedom, and that's something people fight for.

    After you have made your decision and become a Marine, I'm sure you will find that your parents will be very proud of you. ...unless they have serious problems.

  5. #5
    Zulu, I'm new to leatherneck .com as far as being active on the forums aside from just looking up here for news/quick accurate answers. I'll get one up soon. sorry.

    And jp2, yea i know what he's talking about. No i'm not overweight. 6'2, 170lbs. I just have breathing troubles after I run over a mile. and thanks for the pep talk, the " It is called Freedom, and that's something people fight for." kind of made me snap out of it. Thanks.

  6. #6
    Profile all set up (assuming my account profile is what you were referring to). Hope there are no double posting rules I overlooked.

  7. #7
    Noah, as long as you have no health issues I am unaware of, running is just an endurance thing.

    Start with that 1-mile (every other day) and add a half mile to it once a week.

    Keep it up until you can go 5-miles, then start timing your 5-mile runs to bring the time down.

    If you have discipline, it is easy to do; unfortunately, most young adults need the Marine Corps to give them that.

  8. #8
    That's the plan, I'll run/walk with my camelbak on to my friends house 4 miles away 3 days a week not including my weight training class. Thanks.

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