Leaving to bootcamp!
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  1. #1

    Talking Leaving to bootcamp!

    YEP! Got the call yesterday. Heading out to bootcamp in less then two weeks.

    It's been a long road, from getting 15 creds, to the District level waiver.
    But I'm all squared away!

    I do have a couple of questions though, Marines.

    Any last min advice for bootcamp? Though I'm sure that's been covered before.

    I have a girlfriend, about a month in now, anybody have personal experience on how those relationships worked out through bootcamp, the good, the bad?

    My run-time SUCKS. 13 min 1-1/2 =/ atleast it did a month ago.
    I've been running a lot at the gym, I feel I've improved but I'm not sure how much, how badly do you think this will F*** me in bootcamp? Any advice on improving in TWO weeks? Though I don't expect there will be anything I can do in such short time.

    13XX field by the way! Anyone with some experience in it? How is it?

    I guess I'll see you Marines on the other side!

    With respect,
    This Recruit

  2. #2
    You're questions have been asked and answered....run a search.
    And you're not no recruit yet, not until you stand on those yellow footprints at MCRD.

    Best of luck to you.

  3. #3
    Understood, Ma'm.

    Actually, I've been meaning to say something about that.

    I operate from a work computer, on breaks, and the Capcha that I would have to enter that ensures I'm not 'spambot over9000' comes through as blank. Can't DL the software to correct.

    So if some Marines wouldn't mind wasting there time and punishing these dead horses, I'd appreciate it!

    Plus maybe some fresher boots frequent this site, maybe somebody has more current information on these questions, or different answers, but doesn't seek the questions out to answer them..

    I don't mean to come off disrespectfully, just a suggestion that some subjects shouldn't be forever-closed to threads already written.

    Thanks again for your time, Marine!

  4. #4
    You're not being disrespectful.

    Maybe if you have some time, you can start looking through the Ask A Marine forum and go back a few pages or so. Some are forever closed, and some aren't.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by HopefulShane View Post
    Any last min advice for bootcamp? Though I'm sure that's been covered before.

    I have a girlfriend, about a month in now, anybody have personal experience on how those relationships worked out through bootcamp, the good, the bad?

    My run-time SUCKS. 13 min 1-1/2 =/ atleast it did a month ago.
    I've been running a lot at the gym, I feel I've improved but I'm not sure how much, how badly do you think this will F*** me in bootcamp? Any advice on improving in TWO weeks?

    With respect,
    This Poolee
    Softballcatch is correct that you will find answers to your questions, and many of us when we see the same questions over and over...well...you just get kind of burned out saying the same ol' thing, but I know where you are coming from. You got "the call" and you anxious as H now, so I'll give you my opinion and only my opinion on your questions.

    Last minute advice? Stay out of trouble. Spend as much time with mom and dad, assuming you have an okay relationship there. When you go to bootcamp, don't get a Marine haircut prior to. Just normal length hair and wear normal clothing, no t-shirts with slogans and no Marine clothing.
    Don't talk unless spoken to, and the first and last words out of your mouth are "sir." Listen and do what you're told.

    "I have a girlfriend..." The girl friend questions are covered in depth. But here is the thing, you are going to Marine Corps bootcamp, and guess what, the Marine Corps didn't issue you your girl friend so they don't give a hoot about her. I had a girl friend when I went to boot camp. I focused on boot camp. That was my priority. I wrote her a few times and she wrote. She supported me, didn't write any of those "I miss you so much letters." If she had, I'da quit reading them. Don't worry about it. If she is there when you graduate, sobeit. If not, move on.

    Can you improve your run in two weeks? Yes and no. Don't worry about it. You won't be the only one who does 13.5 for 1.5. Beside that, 3 miles is what you're looking at as the important distance. The best thing you can do is just get out and run each day a variety of distances. You are not preparing for a state championship here. What you are looking for is improving your aerobic capacity and endurance. So...I don't know your distances, but I'd suggest something along the order of this: Run steady pace runs each day until you leave. You ship on the 12th and tomorrow is the 2nd.

    12-2: 15 min; 12-3, 18 min; 12-4, 20 min; 12-5, 17 min; 12-6, 22 min; 12-7, don't run; 12-8, 20 min, 12-9, 25 min; 12-10, 23 min, and 12-11, 27 min.

    What you are looking to do is improve your aerobic running, and when you get to boot camp, it will be built upon. Just don't walk.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Your run time shouldn't eff you over too bad. Just put out as hard as you can every time and it will improve a LOT.

    Relationships are tough because letters are your only means of contact. You can make it work though. Have her send pictures! Makes a huge difference.

    DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T touch your face! Wash your hands all the time and hand sanitizer is your best friend! You'll get sick no matter what but this will make a huge difference.

    Other than that, stay out of trouble, rest up, and don't hurt yourself. Give em hell, killer.

  7. #7
    Shane, I wish you good luck. Hope to see you PM'ing me when you get back asking to have your status changed to MARINE. And then it'll be 'PvtShane' instead of 'Hopeful'.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by CajunPOG View Post
    Your run time shouldn't eff you over too bad. Just put out as hard as you can every time and it will improve a LOT.
    I am going to respectfully disagree a bit with this advice of just putting out as hard as you can every time and it will improve a lot, assuming the comment is in reference to running.

    That is a common misconception that if every time you run you put out as hard as you can that you will improve. It doesn't work that way. When running a test for 3 miles, the best training is running aerobically which is a steady pace that you can carry on a conversation, and once or twice a week you can run faster intervals. If you put out as hard as you can every time you run, you are running anaerobically which releases enzymes that eventually will wear you down such that you get slower and slower.

    I have a 14 year old kid who came to me this cross-country season, had never ran before, didn't even know how to. Came to me late August and trained aerobically (steady distance), and started out at 10 min, building up to 30 min by mid Sep and biggest challenge was to not walk. At his first race on 9-17, 3 mile race, he ran 24:47 (8:15 pace). Continued to train aerobically with two sessions a week, one of race pace intervals, the other at 20k pace, and one long run a week. On 10-12 he ran a race again at 6:48 pace. On 10-21 he raced again at 6:24 pace.

    The body cannot tolerate running as hard as you can every time you run. After a hard run, you have to do a recovery run.

  9. #9
    13XX means, more than likely, you'll either be an engineer or a heavy equipment operator. However, if you signed the CM contract, you might also end up in the Utilities field (11XX) which could put you with electricians, water dogs, and the like. If you have any questions about engineers, I can answer them for you.

    As for your run time? Just keep running. That's the only way you're going to get better. I used to be a slow runner too, and what helped me was to just put in a lot of miles in a week. Worried about the 1.5 mile? Run 2 miles every other day and get used to the additional distance, then progress from there. Doing sprints and running hills helps a lot too.

  10. #10
    I'm a Marine! Plt, 1006 Alpha Co.
    Ssgt. Brown
    Ssgt. Roberts
    Ssgt. Downing
    Sgt. Sanchez
    Sgt. Loza

  11. #11
    Marine Free Member gkmoz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Northeast ,Ohio
    Congrats Marine ! How did them run times hurt during boot,and did the girlfriend hang in there for ya ? LOL ! S/F Moz USMC 68-70

  12. #12
    Haha yeah I'm with her right now! Thanks! Got slayed but I got faster. I ended up doing the crucible with stress fractures in both feet, and shin splints, all due to over-use. So basically, I should have ran more prior.. Still made it though, OORAH.

  13. #13
    Guest Free Member
    Join Date
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    Providence County
    Congrats Marine !!!
    I'm going to PM Sgt. Lep for you to have your status changed to Marine and close this thread since it is so old now.

    Semper Fi,

  14. #14
    And, DONE. He is now 'PvtShane'! Congrats and welcome to the brotherhood!

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