The year of defeated terrs
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  1. #1

    The year of defeated terrs

    Osama bin Laden's been turned into shark lunch, Mubarak's overthrown, snd now Gaddafi's dead. Next we need Ahmedinejad and/or Kim Jong-il to stop wasting our oxygen.

  2. #2
    i second take and hope its soon

  3. #3
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    We might come to miss Mubarak, warts and all. The rest of them, nobody will miss, possibly not even their families.

  4. #4
    It's too bad we've got to kill them. When they're dead, they see nothing, feel nothing.

    I'd rather they be left alive but helpless and permanently disabled and in pain. Let them suffer in the way they've made others suffer. Let them spend the rest of their days in bondage and watching everything they've done become undone, and unable to do a damned thing about it.

  5. #5
    Don't forget that punk Castro.

  6. #6
    And his cousin Hugo Chavez. Why don't these punks ever fall in the bathtub and crack their skulls open (maybe with the help of a Navy Seal)?

  7. #7
    Speaking of Chavez, he thinks we want Gaddafi's oil. Then again, this was the guy who said we fired a nuke underground to move tectonic plates under Haiti, causing the earthquake there in 2010.

  8. #8
    1: This area isn't for political discussion

    2: Inappropriate title, which was changed.

    As soon as this veers into ANY political area, I'll shut it down. You've been so advised.

  9. #9
    Understood, Sergeant.

  10. #10
    Funny...Sadam was hiding in a spider hole...Gaddafi in a drainage pipe. Dictators are not very brave when they are alone it appears. Everything is peachy as long as they have their hinchmen doing their dirty work for them. Where will the next one hide? Can't wait to see!

  11. #11
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Seminole County
    Quote Originally Posted by Tennessee Top View Post
    Funny...Sadam was hiding in a spider hole...Gaddafi in a drainage pipe. Dictators are not very brave when they are alone it appears. Everything is peachy as long as they have their hinchmen doing their dirty work for them. Where will the next one hide? Can't wait to see!

    Don't forget bin Laden hiding behind a woman.

  12. #12
    Let's not forget even further back: Hitler was hiding underground while the Red Army was basically knocking on the bunker door. But he went out with a bang (pun intended).

  13. #13
    There is an obvious pattern with these pukes! Will any ever go down fighting like a man?

  14. #14
    I think Hideki Tojo did after the atomic bomb droppings.

    Truman: "'Surrender' you say?"

    Tojo: "Eep. Yes.."

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