How large is your pool?
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  1. #1
    Guest Free Member

    How large is your pool?

    Our station currently has 56 poolees DEPed in. We have an average of 15-25 poolees that show up to PT twice a week. How about the rest of you?

    Last edited by PooleeGewarges; 04-06-11 at 09:15 PM. Reason: Numbers got mixed up.

  2. #2
    My pool (Fairfax RSS, in Virginia) has 3 recruiters, and a squad for each of them. Each squad has a squad leader, and has anywhere from 7 to 15 poolees. The number who show up to PT are varried, and only 1st and 2nd squad PT together. For some reason, 3rd squad likes to PT on their own elsewhere.

    I'm part of 2nd squad. BEST SQUAD! lol

  3. #3
    Guest Free Member
    Sounds nice. We do things differently. We have the guide and four poolee squad leaders. Each squad contains 15+ poolees. Roll call varies too with us because some people have work or lame excuses.

    All squads pt at the same time, and it is rare for recruiters to run pt (but they do yell and give us instructions and teach us things) but it is not rare for recruiters to THRASH THE HELL out of us and kill bodies.
    Pt is always Tuesdays and Thursdays, but it will change soon to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

    Last edited by PooleeGewarges; 04-06-11 at 09:50 PM. Reason: more information.

  4. #4
    yea we got a guide too, brother. Forgot about that bit. Our recruiters quite often run PT, and it's on Monday and Wednesday at 1700, and on Saturday at 0800. Right now there are quite a few infantry Marines back from Parris Island (4 of them, actually). a PFC and 3 Pvts. They have been running Parris Island style PT for us these past few weeks. They're stuck on recruiter's assistance

  5. #5
    Guest Free Member
    The days that Marines come back from RT or MCT/SOI are great days when it comes to PT.

    I was really motivated one day when one Marine actually told me that I was better at being the guide at my station than his actual guide at boot camp.

  6. #6
    That definatly must have rocked to hear! I had a staff sergeant tell me that I was "born" to be a Marine, and that made me swell with pride because i've always been told that Marines are made, not born

  7. #7
    Guest Free Member
    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd View Post
    That definatly must have rocked to hear! I had a staff sergeant tell me that I was "born" to be a Marine, and that made me swell with pride because i've always been told that Marines are made, not born
    Thats good to hear. Once again, you do ship out the same date as my friend at school. By the time you have about 3 or 4 more days of your 10 day break, I should be back from Recruit Training.

  8. #8
    maybe 10?

  9. #9
    We don't even have squads or guides in a pool of 30+. There's two recruiters, one Infantry and another Aviation mechanic, both like to PT with us and almost always do. About 20 show up to PT.

  10. #10
    Our pool claims PT is not optional, even though we know it is. But we mostly show up anyway. Every second saturday of the month we have a special poolee function. They are things like paintball, House of Pain (a super hard workout), a CFT, things like that. They are very fun. I've been to Quantico several times because of it.

  11. #11
    We have 6, and sadly that's over like 4 towns. My Recruiter handles pretty much our entire county.

  12. #12
    Whoa. Where do you live, brother?

  13. #13
    We have 16 Poolees. They consists of a guide, and 3 squad leaders. We also have backup squad leaders to take place if needed. Our recruiters run PT, the guide is just a motivator, instructor, enforcer, and errand boy.

  14. #14
    20 Poolees. Pool function once a month (wtf)

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by USMC Infantry View Post
    20 Poolees. Pool function once a month (wtf)
    Same. Is once a month awkward?

    We have about 45 Poolees though. Only 5 guys at the most for PT twice a week. Small town between New Orelans and the bigger RSS in Hammond.

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