Wannabe with a few questions
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  1. #1

    Wannabe with a few questions

    Marines, and Poolees, I have a few questions for you. Hopefully some of you were in the same boat I currently am.

    First, a small piece about myself. I just turned 27 so I'm not the youngest. I work for the FDNY (NYC fire dept.) and love it. I have no wife and kids to worry about.

    My main concern about joining is quite simple. Money. I bought a car a little over a year ago, and rent an apartment by myself. I've read over the USERRA laws many, many times and believe I understand it. I have almost no money saved, and don't want to burden anyone with having to make payments for me whilst I'm away at boot, then MOS and so on..

    I'd be signing Reserves, I want to serve, but I also love my job. Also, I was very, very close to signing last spring, but I got hurt pretty badly at work. I was actually about to head up to MEPS, and the day before is when the injury occurred. I've since recovered, and operate at about 95% of what I used to. I'm in top notch shape(I have to be to be successful in my line of work) and not too worried about any issues physically.

    Have any of you been in a similar situation? That is, having a good job, but having a few bills your concerned with taking care of while gone? I believe I'll make enough on paid military leave to cover them, but I'm not sure. What do you suggest I do? This feeling that I NEED to serve has not really gone away. I'm not getting any younger, and I could use some advice from Marines and Poolees, those in the know.

    Thanks in advance,

    Last edited by KPC; 02-19-11 at 04:56 PM. Reason: adding that I'd be going Reserve

  2. #2

    see if your not medically disqualified for your injury

    goodluck son.


  3. #3
    The time is...now. You aren't getting any younger to be sure. As far as the bills go, I'd suggest letting them know (your bill companies) about your plan (once you get in that is) and setting up some sort of 'auto-pay' system.

    But regardless of all that....if you don't 'pull the trigger' now...you'll regret it! Take it from me....

    And I've been there and done it. I was in from 82-89, got out, did reserves until 97 when I went back on active duty...and had 2 kids, wife, mortgage, bills, etc. It was davmn hard but we did it.

  4. #4
    I'm 23. The only hard thing about going the enlisted route is that you are going to have to deal with 18 year olds. Being a reservist you don't make very much money but if serving your country is all you care about then it doesn't matter. The same thing thing happened to me. I graduated from college with my bachelors and the urge to serve just never went away. Just chose the right MOS for you and you will love it. The grunt life (infantry) isn't for everyone but if you chose that road get ready to get some intense training. Oh yeah and bootcamp blows. But being 27 maybe you will be made a squadleader, guide or something. Good luck

  5. #5
    Thanks for the replies Marines. I'll find out from my military liaison at work on Monday what exactly I'll be getting for pay while on paid leave. Assuming it's enough to cover my car/insurance, I guess I'll be good to go. My job is very, very supportive of the military.

    As for picking a MOS, last year I was heavily leaning towards artillery, specifically 0861. I haven't looked into infantry as much, though I wouldn't be opposed to it. I do think that if I never serve, and hopefully do at least one tour, i'll never be satisfied as a "man". Dealing with boot camp shouldn't be so tough, I excelled in my para-military academy just under three years ago. Dealing with 18 year olds, now that sounds like the "fun" part heh.

    Thanks again..

  6. #6
    Still monitoring this thread, and anyone with any additional advice is very welcomed.

  7. #7
    Keep in mind, in the reserves your choice of MOS will be somewhat limited by your local reserve units. You can't be an 08XX unless there's an arty unit nearby, you can't be 03XX unless there's an infantry unit nearby, etc.

  8. #8
    Go for it! If you can earn the title,you will not be disappointed.Trust me,when life gets sh++y,nothing is better than looking into a mirror and seeing a United States Marine staring back at you!

  9. #9
    In NY, you have the infantry (03xx) unit out there 2d BN, 25th Marines? I worked with them in 08 before their Iraq deployment, solid guys. Most FDNY were getting paid while gone from work, making a ton of money from both their job and the USMC.

    As an 0861 you would have to go reserve to Florida, or end up in like nebraska california or washington. There is a highspeed Anglico unit in FL, so you can do great training, get your jump wings and SERE, and deploy with active anglico units every so often. If you remain in NY you will have to fly to FL monthly for drill.

    Keep in mind reservists pick up rank very slowly. Dont sweat the age, im 27 right now and i smoke check 22 year olds, i joined at 23.

  10. #10
    My bank (and I assume any big name bank has this too) let's me auto pay bills from my checking account. I just say I want to pay X recipient Y amount of money on Z date every month. You'll set up your direct deposit at boot camp so you should have more than enough money in the bank each month with that and your regular paycheck. Also, you could downgrade your car insurance. You can get like "storage insurance" if you tell them you won't be driving it for 3-9 months. And it's dirt cheap.

    You'll definitely be one of the oldest recruits in your platoon, but you won't be the first 27 year old to do it. We had like a 32 year old in our company.

  11. #11
    Thanks for the replies.

    Does the 3/14 not exist any longer?


    ThreeEleven0861, you're correct in stating the 2/25 is in NY. I have friends that are in, and have served with Fox company in Albany,NY. If I decided to do 03xx, that's without a doubt who I'd join with. Getting to your last point about flying in, how common is that amongst reservists who want to go to a high speed unit? Is there any type of flight program? Or are you always on your own flying civilian flights at civilian rates?

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