A Cadre DI Top, once said to my maggot batch back in my basic days that Mindanao is a promise land not just for the people living there but for us Marines.It is where you will put your Heart & Soul to its limits & beyond.The true test Honor Duty & Valor. It will be about fighting battles after battles in a loose-loose situation.I was perflexed back then,but then it hit me.The Corps is fighting with one hand tied up, One Eye blackened out & just to make sure it would be interesting 2 Balls made of brass without tidy whites. Why you say? Well we fight regardless of Defective Ammos, guns,Comms,Transpo,gadgets,50 cent food rations,Corruptions & politics that treacherously abounds around us.we Fight to the death even with Murphys coming along for the ride.Because a True Marine is the highest form of Warrior Breed! We may not have the latest, but we sure have the Bravest Men back to back watching our Six. My Greatest respect for all the Marine Warriors who have gone to hell far too many times & back. Marine Warriors who have fallen without so much of anything to leave behind for there families. Men of the highest standards who will always serve for God & Country! Marines................