infantry options
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  1. #1

    infantry options

    My little brother is going into the marine corps and just signed his 6 year active duty infantry HJ option contract, but i have a buddy that just got out of the marine infantry and he told me his infantry contract was a 4 year uh option.

    Can any one help me understand the differences?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    If he has a air wing mos i could see him having a longer then four year contract. Unless things have changed since 2003 thats the only thing i could think of. Unless recon has changed the years in which you must serve.

    Last edited by 2nd0326; 12-11-10 at 12:40 PM. Reason: or a certain 0300 mos that is requiring for a longer service.

  3. #3
    It could be he is thinking of his IRR time as active time also. Active duty contracts are usually 4 active and 2 Years in the IRR.

  4. #4
    His contract is 8yrs total, 6yrs active - 2yrs reserves

  5. #5
    there is no such thing as an HJ contract

  6. #6
    The difference? Two more years of active duty service. Tell him not to do. Do four active and if he likes it, he can reup for a sh!t load more money than what he's getting for six at first.

  7. #7
    Six year contract is likely offering a bonus. When I was enlisting 5 year contracts with a 4-5k bonus were easier to find than straight four year ones.

    With the way bonuses are going the last couple years, I wouldn't count on getting one when you reenlist. The bonus for my MOS was over 50k last year, and absolutely nothing this year.

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