Promoted in the IRR
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  1. #1

    Promoted in the IRR

    Hey guys!

    I had a five year contract from Oct-2003 to Oct-2008, so I'm in the IRR for a few more months yet (early-mid 2011? I don't remember when I joined the pool).

    I randomly got a promotion warrant for SSgt in the mail a few days ago. I had been a Sgt for about 18 months when I left active duty, and I think I just barely missed the below zone date as I was getting out.

    In any case, why do they do this? I haven't done a single thing since I left; I thought you had to work to earn promotions in the IRR! Is there a possibility of being recalled for a few months?

    Semper Fi!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Vantech View Post
    Hey guys!

    I had a five year contract from Oct-2003 to Oct-2008, so I'm in the IRR for a few more months yet (early-mid 2011? I don't remember when I joined the pool).

    I randomly got a promotion warrant for SSgt in the mail a few days ago. I had been a Sgt for about 18 months when I left active duty, and I think I just barely missed the below zone date as I was getting out.

    In any case, why do they do this? I haven't done a single thing since I left; I thought you had to work to earn promotions in the IRR! Is there a possibility of being recalled for a few months?

    Semper Fi!
    Naw you aint getting recalled, I did in 07 its just cause your still in the service so your getting sat years and you were in the zone so they promoted you accordingly. SF SSGT! And it also really ****es me off that your a SSGT and I made it to Cpl WTF over? LOL Must not be 03 :-)

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