Lat Moving from 6541 to AirCrew - Blogs - Marine Corps - USMC Community
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Lat Moving from 6541 to AirCrew

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Alright yall i am is about under a year from my reenlistment date and i need to get my **** together. i have talked to friends and family and my mentor about it i am reenlisting but i want to lat move to Aircrew. i love doing what i do every day working as an Aviation Ordnance Tech, but i have been looking towards Aircrew for a while. My Father was a Flight Eng. on the old KC-130's and alot of my close friends are Aircrew and have told me to lat move i just dont know if i should or not. any and all info on what i should do would be greatly appreciated..




  1. Semperdog's Avatar
    Got to follow your gut. If you lat move and regret it, it won't be as bad as if you don't lat move and regret it because you'll always have that "what if" tearing at you.