Conversation Between Menso and 2ndLAADBnWRENCH

Conversation Between Menso and 2ndLAADBnWRENCH

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hello Sgt I'm doing FANTASTIC we just did the split to get our MOS and I got the MOS I have wanted since before i joined 0341 baby tubestroker so training being for that on monday cant wait, hope all is well at your end
  2. Private Dan

    Hope life is on the light side these days? Don't look into the whys of the training your going through and get down on this sucks etc. Know that everything is a test for something bigger and better and do your best even when your failing and exhausted about to give up. Keep a great attitude and just ride out the storms its only short periods of time and know its calmer soon. Take care Little Brother..

    Semper Fi
  3. AAAAAAAAAAAAARRR ( thats a war face) Semper FI
  4. Dan The Man!!!!
    Lifes been a blur in n out a Manila clinic. Congrats on the challenge of the EGA.. Now show me your WAR face!!!
    Semper Fi Brother
  5. Yea Sgt we are doing okay, we know he is in a better place with his brother.
  6. I'm Good!! UnderGround Farms took 3rd place on Tuesday.. Hope you n your family are good..?
  7. Hello Sgt how have you been?
  8. Yes Sgt.
  9. Im doing okay as I can Sgt, one of my uncles just passed away.
  10. Poolee Menso

    How ya Dooowinnn??? I'm Dooowin Aightt!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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