Conversation Between Enigmatic and antoinette123

Conversation Between Enigmatic and antoinette123

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Love the new profile pic!Might change my mind bout Jersey after all...
  2. it would make sense to answer on your visitor messages...but i make no sense so check my profile
  3. how'd the MEPS thing go? Or was that last week? confused...
  4. Hmm....someone here's not old enough to talk bout hard liquor
  5. Coors light??? Dude....
  6. how bout some Mickeys???
  7. me out....I got nothing.....
  8. WHAT?!?! Dude told me it was..something else....bastards.....I hate Jersey now!
  9. No honeys in Jersey??? Dude I rented this movie called "Jersey Girl", you tellin me I'm gonna be dissapointed???? Check out dude said it was hot.
  10. Yeah she can bring some Jersey honeys with her! Antoinette123...all present and accounted for????
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 21
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