Conversation Between AmericanFighter and ScarSniper

Conversation Between AmericanFighter and ScarSniper

10 Visitor Messages

  1. What time does your class end?
  2. I was just at the Recruiting station, my new ship-date, I don't know if you know (you guys seem to know everything that goes on in there. lol) is 20101115. Name's on the board again. And Gunny gave me his own Marine Corps sweater. Dumb happy!
  3. Hey man, where have you been?
  4. That's good, Medina, sorry I couldn't make it. I was showered and dressed but then I wasn't up for it, and I wasn't sure whether it was gonna rain or not, and my recruiter told me not to do anything that might aggravate the healing process. I'll be at the recruiting station again sometime, and I'll see you before I ship so we'll def. run together. If you're running with Sgt. Ramirez, prepared to be slayed and deee-stroyed. But good sh!t. Congrats, keep pushing and you'll get that 18 minute 3 mile run in no time.
  5. Hey Pilgrim, I did 2 miles in 18 min so its better than usual. I'm taking a practice PFT saturday and I think SSgt. Patrocino said Sgt. Ramirez was going to run the 3 miles with me so i do it faster
  6. No doubt, i'll go on the Chat in a few minutes if you're still on
  7. alright thanks
  8. I'll try to make it man, if it's too sunny, I can't, but I'll do my best to be there.
  9. Pilgrim, you comin to the station tomorrow? I need to run tomorrow and I could use help. Ill be there at about 1530 hours
  10. Put more stuff on your profile, bro. Staff Sergeant Shulterbron said I'll probably shipping after November. Go figure. I got the stitches out today, and I was at the recruiting station that day you were supposed to run, but I couldn't stay long. Anyways, looks like I'll have more time to slay you on the 1.5 after all, if I'm not shipping until around November. See you at the office whenever.
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